Think local, go global

When it comes to having an online presence, companies often focus on the global aspects of their website. They want to be on the first page of Google. They want to see their successes break through the stratosphere. They are looking for the millions of visitors they will receive from all over their state or even the nation. However, when these goals are not met, they believe that their Internet marketing efforts have been a failure.

Internet marketing campaigns should start small and grow as results improve. Initially, focus your business and website marketing in your local neighborhood. Once you’ve built traction, expand your efforts to your community. As you build your presence and successes, build your efforts to include your city, state, and even country.
By targeting your message to a particular market area, you will increase the effectiveness of your website’s true goal: selling your products. Follow these examples to think locally as you grow globally.
local search

Major search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo! they all provide a service that displays local “yellow page” ads at the top of search results. These specific results are displayed when the search engine locates your search request. For example, the user searches for “auto insurance irving tx ; the search engine will include local ads at the beginning of the result set. There is no charge to subscribe to these services.

community events

When your local community has an upcoming event, post it on your website as a blog post or calendar. A perfect example of this is a local parade or fireworks show. People often search the Internet for detailed information about the event, such as the location, time, and specific events. If you offer the same information as a resource on your website, ancillary traffic will be directed to your site. If you plan to attend, please provide detailed coverage of your offering, such as a booth or pictures of your parade vehicle.

local sports

Be a resource for your favorite sports teams. Show the upcoming schedules of the local high school football team. Offer visitors past results and player profiles from your daughter’s softball team. By continually updating the content on your website, you’ll give customers (and search engines) a reason to come back often.


Does your company sponsor a local organization? Are you helping support your child’s soccer team? Provide a “free” page on your website for the group. Detail upcoming fundraising events and success stories. When people search for information about your organization, your results might also appear along with them.

Special offers

Do you have a booth at the local fair? Are you giving away a flat screen TV? If so, tell the world. Publish a press release. Create a secondary site that exclusively advertises the giveaway. Develop a catchy web address that people will easily remember. Strongly advertise your company.

local web address

Purchase multiple domain names. Each serve a target community. For example, buy and point the domain name engines will easily display their results when the search term matches your business address. Most web site providers allow you to have multiple domain names pointing to a single site.

As you build your website traffic, you can begin to expand your target market. As more visitors visit your site, search engines will begin to see it as a resource on the Internet. Over time, your presence will grow in the global market.

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