Top 5 Brands of Electric Toothbrushes For Kids

Electric Toothbrushes For Kids

Getting kids to brush their teeth can be an uphill battle. That’s why it helps to make the process fun, which is why a lot of brands have made toothbrushes with characters kids love and extra features to encourage good habits from the start. Some electric toothbrushes even connect to apps that reward brushing, which can be a big motivator for kids. While these brushes can be helpful, experts still say that the most important factor in a clean mouth is actually brushing twice a day for two minutes.

There’s a wide variety of electric toothbrushes on the market, ranging from very basic to highly advanced. The most basic models are very inexpensive, while the higher-end ones have lots of bells and whistles like app connectivity and sleek travel cases. Some have multiple brushing modes while others have specific functions like whitening or gum disease prevention. Some also have extras like pressure sensors or facial recognition to help prevent over-brushing.

The brush heads on an brands of electric toothbrushes can differ a lot as well, depending on the brand and model. Some come with smaller, more compact brush head options that can reach harder-to-reach spots like the back molars. Some have softer bristles, which are great for kids with sensitive teeth. Other brush heads have more of a traditional bristle feel, which is great for kids who are just starting to learn how to brush their own teeth.

Top 5 Brands of Electric Toothbrushes For Kids

A good quality electric toothbrush should have a handle that’s easy for kids to hold and grip. It’s usually shorter and chunkier than adult toothbrushes, and it may have gripping materials or bumps to prevent slippery hands from forming. Most of the kids’ brushes we tested had handles that were very easy for little hands to grasp and hang onto, which is especially important when they are still learning how to brush independently.

Most of the electric toothbrushes we tested have built-in timers to remind kids how long to brush their teeth. Some also have notifications to let them know they are in the middle of their brushing cycle and that it’s time to change position or switch to another part of the mouth. Most of the brushes we tested have a two-minute timer, while others have longer timers and more frequent reminders to switch brushes or change positions.

While the most expensive electric toothbrushes tend to have all sorts of cool and innovative features, they aren’t always the best option for kids. In fact, some of the high-end brushes can be difficult for kids to use effectively due to their complex technology and sometimes finicky logging and reporting. We took these things into account when judging the best electric toothbrushes for kids, and our top picks are based on their ease of use, battery life, brushing effectiveness, and extra features.

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