What to do when you get a bladder infection

A bladder infection is a very common infection that occurs when bacteria enter the opening of the urethra and then spread through the urinary tract. A bladder infection is an infection of the lower urinary tract. If left untreated, the infection could spread to the kidneys and, in severe cases, could lead to reduced kidney function or even death.

Bladder infections are said to be much more common in women and in babies under 2 years of age. Women have more bladder infections than men because the urethra is shorter in women than in men. Bacteria can reach the bladder more easily in women because the bacteria have a shorter distance to travel. This condition is almost unknown in boys and young men.

Symptoms in young children would be diarrhoea, fever, loss of appetite. In older children, lower back pain, frequent vomiting and pain in the abdomen. In adults: fever, blood in the urine, foul-smelling urine, and frequent urination. These are just some of the symptoms that may occur.

Treat a bladder infection

If one gets a bladder infection, they will need to take a remedy for the bladder infection, doctors usually suggest treating it with antibiotics. The infection will usually get better within a few days of treatment. The doctor will prescribe medication for a week to ten days. The drug should be taken for the entire prescribed time. Just because you start to feel better doesn’t mean the infection has been completely destroyed. As bladder infections are caused by bacteria, it is important that you complete the full dose of the bladder infection remedy as directed to prevent the infection from recurring.

If this happens, you may need to be hospitalized and antibiotics will be given for several weeks to prevent serious kidney damage. You will also be asked to drink plenty of water to flush bacteria from your body. Smoking, drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages should also be avoided.

Don’t wait until you have a bladder infection and have to cure it using a bladder infection remedy. There are steps you can take to avoid getting a bladder infection altogether. They are as follows-

* If you have a baby make sure to change the buckets at least every 4 hours
* Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day
* Take a shower instead of bathing
* Urine after sexual intercourse
* Don’t continuously resist the urge to urinate either, when nature calls you, go.

You can always take a bladder infection remedy as there are products on the market that can be used to relieve symptoms if you have contracted a bladder infection. Like Phyto Nova Cystemme, which is a bladder infection remedy with natural ingredients that kills infectious bacteria, relieves pain and burning. It also reduces swelling and the need to urinate constantly. However, one should not simply take a remedy for bladder infection without visiting a doctor first.

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