What to eat before bed

Most of you know how to get proper nutrition throughout the day, but what do you eat before bed? Common sense suggests that a balance of complex carbohydrates and protein is adequate at this point, but I’ll tell you more than that. I’m going to tell you precisely what you should eat and what macronutrients they should come from.

The food you eat before bed is just as important as any other food you eat. Opinions vary from eating between two hours and fifteen minutes before bed, but what you decide on will depend on your personal preferences. It’s also very important that you don’t undereat at this time because doing so will cause you to wake up in the middle of the night hungry, while unconsciously eating things you shouldn’t.

Ok, I know why the last meal of the day is important, but what should I eat for this last meal? You want to eat slow-digesting foods like fibrous carbohydrates, casein protein, and even healthy fats. Cottage cheese, natural peanut butter, and any type of vegetable are also perfect this time of year. You can even consume complex carbohydrates, just be careful not to eat too many.

Of course you should avoid sugary and fattening foods, if you are a bodybuilder you shouldn’t be eating these foods anyway. You should also avoid caffeinated foods and drinks, as caffeine prevents you from getting a good night’s rest. There have been no scientific studies to show that eating before bed will cause weight gain, but be smart and don’t overdo it.

The hardest part is keeping your food intake low at night. It gets boring late at night and sometimes you feel like eating is the only thing you can do. No! Stay busy and make sure you are in control of what is happening. Read a book, get on forums, there are endless options, just don’t eat things you shouldn’t. Until next time, later.

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