Where do Ragdoll cats come from?

Let me share a short story with you about the Ragdoll

race and how they came into existence. When I first read about

this was drinking a can of diet coke and almost finished

with everything on the monitor. I have a feeling you’ll find

as amazing and fun as I did.

I’m going to break the story down into stages though

it is interwoven. The reason I’m doing this is that the story

of the creation of the Ragdoll breed it is difficult to say

The minus. It took me some reading to really understand what

it happened. So here it is… a brief history of the Ragdoll

Cat, and how they came about.

Once upon a time there was a woman named Ann Baker and she lived in

California. She had two cats, Josephine and Daddy Warbucks.

These two cats would become the parents of a great breed of

cats Without going into excruciating details about it,

Daddy Warbucks lived up to his name and eventually with

Joesphine kittens and their genes a new breed of cat was


Ann Baker called them Ragdoll cats and later recorded the

name, demanding royalties from other breeders who use the name

“Ragdoll” for cats.

He started a cat registry in 1971, after breeding more

Ragdoll cats of Daddy Warbucks, called The International

Ragdoll Cat Association and stated that the breed differed

in 5 forms of other cat breeds:

1) They were relatively large;

2) They are less sensitive to pain;

3) They lack self-preservation skills;

4) Its fur does not tangle; and

5) Their bodies go limp when you hold them.

This was all very sensible, but it didn’t stay that way for long.


It’s an X-Files!

In a move worthy of Fox Mulder, she began

make very, very unlikely claims about the reason for the

Ragdoll traits. Some were out of this world. Literally.

The Ragdoll Cat is not what you think it is, according to Ann Baker, who

claimed that the genetics of the Ragdoll cat were from

of a secret government experiment in genetics… and that

the aliens gave him the race. There were even more claims that

this, but I don’t know how you can beat that.

Despite her eccentricities, Ann Baker was credited

establishing the standard appearance and temperament of the breed. Her

It was not the breeder who brought the Ragdoll cat

yes, international recognition. Denny and Laura Dayton

They are responsible for that happening.

While Ann Baker was taking a walk on the wild side, they were

establishing the Ragdoll Fanciers’ Club International, and

they were the ones who managed to register the breed in the

NCFA, making the breed a recognized purebred.

You can think what you want. Maybe Papa Warbucks was

kidnapped by aliens and then became the father of an entire

new breed of cats. Maybe it was hard and careful work

breeding. I lean towards the latter, personally. goal yes

you see a flying saucer over your house and you wonder

why is it there, it could be aliens who want the return

of his genetic cousin. you never know…

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