Why do Christians (men and women) view pornographic websites?

Why do Christian men and women choose to look at pornographic websites? What do you think? Why do men and women, with faith in Jesus Christ, choose to type words into a search engine that will lead them to images and movies that graphically depict people in the act of sex?

Some statistics on the widespread use of Christian sex sites.

A 1996 Promise Keepers survey at one of their stadium events revealed that over 50% of the men in attendance were involved with pornography within a week of attending the event.

Of the 81 pastors surveyed (74 men, 7 women), 98% had been exposed to pornography; 43% intentionally accessed a sexually explicit website
National Coalition Survey of Pastors. Seattle. April 2000.

Thirty-four percent of readers of Today’s Christian Woman’s online newsletter admitted to intentionally accessing Internet pornography in a recent survey.

In March 2002, Rick Warren’s website Pastors.com (author of Purpose Driven Life) conducted a survey of 1,351 pastors’ pornography use: 54% of pastors had viewed Internet pornography in the past year, and 30% of these had visited within the last 30 days.

Statistics prove that Christian watches sexual material. Christians choose sin over a deep, personal relationship with Christ. The real question is why. Why do we as Christians choose to sin? I am not referring only to sexual sin, but to any sin. God gave us a clear direction for a fulfilling life, but we deliberately chose to disobey. Believe me, I am not one of those legalists who condemn those who fail. I have failed miserably in my Christian walk. I have abused God’s grace on more than one occasion. I have been guilty of searching for pornographic websites. So who am I to judge? Once again, the question is why do we choose to sin?

I think the root of the problem with sin has to do with what we tell ourselves about any given sin. It doesn’t matter what the sin of choice is; A Christian has to believe and tell himself several things to go on with sin.

Three beliefs that allow us to choose sin over obedience

1. I can’t help it. I have to watch porn because my wife, husband does not satisfy me. I can’t help it because she is everywhere. I can’t help but deal with everything that is e-mailed to me and I can’t help but open it.
2. It’s good for me. I can’t help myself and it will help me deal with my anxiety if I have a release. It’s good to watch porn because that way I don’t bother my wife, husband so much. This belief can have several words, but the main point is that we justify our behavior, the sin, by telling ourselves that it is good for me and that I cannot help it.
3. No one will know. Sin always tries to hide. When we tell ourselves that no one will know what I do late at night while my spouse sleeps. What they don’t know can’t hurt them. Yes of course. What about God? He never sleeps or falls asleep. Remember, eventually your sin will find you. What are you going to do when your spouse does a history search and finds out that you forgot to delete that site? What will you do if they discover you?

I’ve mentioned a few beliefs associated with a Christian’s choice to sin, view sex sites, but I’m sure there must be more. What do we do with our false beliefs that cause so many problems? This may sound very simple, but all we have to do is face the truth and change what we tell ourselves before we sin. Before you type a word or words that will lead you to a sex site, tell yourself the truth. Without God’s help, I can’t get over this urge. I can refuse to sin because I have power in Christ to say no. I don’t have to watch, do anything he chooses not to do. I have the choice to live in freedom or live in bondage to sex sites and lust. Also, when it comes to believing, no one will know, remember that God is watching. Also, remember that eventually your sins will become public. I know some famous preachers who thought they could get away with their sin, but they didn’t and neither will you.

Let me challenge you to try a different way before it’s too late. Try to tell yourself the truth, it works if you do.

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