Why You Should Hire Lawyers For Domestic Violence

Hire Lawyers For Domestic Violence

If you have been the victim of domestic violence, you may be wondering whether you should hire lawyers for domestic violence. This article will explain why you should, and will also explain why you should not, hire an attorney without an initial consultation. Contacting a lawyer is a wise move. These attorneys specialize in domestic violence cases, and they can help you get the justice you deserve. By hiring a lawyer, you will be in a stronger position to file for compensation and receive the protection you need.

If you are accused of domestic violence, you should work with a divorce attorney to prove your case. The abuser may want to settle through mediation instead of going through a courtroom battle, not only because it’s cheaper but also because it will allow them to bully the other spouse into settling on a lower amount. However, most lawyers will advise against pursuing mediation if a divorce is based on domestic violence, as it can be dangerous for the victim and can result in further abuse. Likewise, if there are children involved, you should seek legal representation for your child custody case.

The Spartacus Law Firm is known for its aggressive approach to trial and our compassionate assistance to those who are facing serious legal issues. We are always honest and open with our clients and their legal options and never make false promises. Our reputation, however, speaks for itself.

In addition to defending the rights of a Domestic Violence Lawyer, an attorney can help a victim seek restraining orders. They will also give advice on legal options, including spousal support and custody. Similarly, lawyers for domestic violence can also help victims with criminal cases. Even if you have no criminal record, a conviction for domestic violence can seriously damage your future. It’s vital that you hire an attorney who is experienced in dealing with both criminal and family court cases.

Why You Should Hire Lawyers For Domestic Violence

Criminal charges for domestic violence can result in jail time and hefty fines. Depending on the circumstances of the case, you may be sentenced to as little as a year in jail, which is considerably less than what you could expect. In addition, if you are convicted, the charge may end up on your record forever. In addition to the criminal implications, you might also be denied employment and rental properties. Therefore, it’s critical that you seek the help of an experienced domestic violence lawyer as soon as possible.

Spartacus Law Firm

A criminal defense attorney will be able to help you navigate the legal process. Domestic violence charges often arise out of a heated argument with a spouse, a contested divorce, or a substance abuse issue. John Fanney, a member of the Board of Certified Criminal Law Specialists, has represented many people with these charges. Whether you’ve been wrongly accused or know you’ve crossed the line, John Fanney has experience counseling people through the pressure of the criminal justice system.

Criminal defense lawyers for domestic violence in NYC will be able to protect you from a conviction if you have multiple priors for similar crimes. A guilty plea can result in a criminal conviction, and can impact employment, custody rights, and even the right to see children. Contacting a domestic violence attorney in NYC immediately is the best way to protect your rights. Don’t delay if you’re falsely accused. You need to clear your name and clear your record before you can move forward with your life. A criminal conviction can also have a significant social stigma.

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