WoW Paladin Leveling Guide – Master the Power of Light

The paladin class received many “upgrades” as time went on, and is currently considered one of the “godlike” characters in World of Warcraft. No matter what spec a player chooses for their “protector of light,” the paladin is a tough nut to crack in any situation, PvE, Battlegrounds, or Arena. However, regardless of your power, to reach the end game content there are still a multitude of levels to burn through, so the question is: how to get the maximum potential of the paladin to level up as quickly as possible?

I have found a very simple answer to this question. When WotLK arrived, my arena partner and I decided to put together a paladin/DK team, as we had anticipated a lot of power for this build. I’ve always liked competition, but since it started straight from level 55, I had to use some tricks to get ahead, using a WoW Paladin leveling guide. Not only did I take the lead, I also learned a lot about the paladin gameplay. I feel a little guilty possessing such powerful knowledge, so I’m going to share with all my fellow World of Warcraft adventurers some great tips this WoW Paladin Leveling Guide taught me.

WoW Paladin Leveling Guide – Know Your Judgments And Seals

To be effective when leveling up, a paladin must master the use of these spells. A paladin’s gameplay is very different from every other class in WoW and doesn’t just work by tapping one or two buttons like a fighter or rogue. Depending on the situation, a paladin must know which seals to use and which judgments to release them for maximum battalion efficiency. Also, knowing when to use the bubbles and stun will improve your game a lot.

WoW Paladins Leveling Guide – Defeat the Scourge

Paladins are very effective against undead mobs and demons. These mobs are considerably weak to holy spells, so whatever you do, when leveling up don’t skip quests with undead or demons. Spells that work only against undead and demons, like Exorcism for example, will give the paladin a nice damage boost.

WoW Paladins Leveling Guide: The “Divine” Spec of a Paladin

In order to be able to kill mobs faster, a Retribution based spec is indicated to level up. This is the DPS spec for paladins. More than healing, regeneration, and stamina, when you level up, you need damage. In Retribution, you get new damage spells as well as spell damage buffs. Also, your AoE effectiveness will increase, so keeping quests 2-3 levels below your level will allow your paladin to complete them much faster.

WoW Paladin Leveling Guide: The Gear To Level Up

To deal more damage, anyone leveling up a paladin should focus on buffing critical chance, spell power, and mana regen especially. Stamina is not to be ignored, considering you are a close range fighter. Anyway, spending time and money on gear for leveling is a complete waste in my opinion. The quest equipment is good enough to get you to the level cap, and by saving all your money, you will have enough for mounts.

WoW Paladins Leveling Guide: The Professions Of A Paladin

As a plate user, a mining/blacksmithing combo is suitable for a paladin. Minerals are expensive and necessary for many other professions and you will make a good profit just by selling them and they also provide the raw material for blacksmithing. The blacksmith profession will provide you with good gear to level up and also great gear to start instances with when you hit the level cap.

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