Write It, Then Pin It: An Easy Step To Plan Your Success

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Great business tycoons like Dhiru Bhai Ambani, Ratan Tata, Warren Buffet used to get up early at 4 or 5 am just to plan and make a diary entry for their day. Even celebrities like Shahrukh Khan, former President Barack Obama, and our Prime Minister Narendra Modi have repeatedly emphasized the importance of taking note of the things that need to be done in a day. What is common in these people is that they simply do not settle for planning; they force themselves to write it down somewhere or tell their secretaries to keep a diary and work all day that way.

We often complain that things don’t turn out the way we dream. This is due to the lack of proper planning, writing down the essential steps and implementing the plan in the designated time. It is believed that a good plan must have the essential ingredients that can make it successful. Many successful entrepreneurs have not reached this height by just having a cup of tea or by sitting down and thinking about building the business, but have made a long-term plan right at the start of the business. Planning is not limited to business, but also to our daily routine. What are we going to do tomorrow? Things that are essential to do at first, how to do them? Even if you’re planning a movie for a weekend, you should plan accordingly to avoid conflicts with your other work.

What is planning?

Planning is a systematic and future-oriented method of creating goals for a better future. Not limited to business or long-term goal, planning is also related to managing things for daily routine. Every individual, whether it’s the child finishing their academic year, a young person just finishing their college year looking for a career, or an adult planning to start a business, planning is required at every stage of life. Even a housewife has to plan the organization of things in the home so that daily activities run smoothly.

For some people planning is a daunting task and they go with the belief of fate. However, if we go with the words spoken by Alan Lakein who said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.“, we set up our failure with our own hands. Keeping long-term thinking in mind, a set plan will certainly help save time and energy. Also, it is always recommended not to write down your plans for future reference. However, the big question that arises is how to plan?

How to plan?

Planning includes a set of terms that must be covered during the process. This set of terms can possibly be changed during the course period, depending on the situation.

  • goals to achieve: Goals are certain achievements that must be achieved at a certain level. This is to achieve a larger aspect of the result.
  • Strategies: It is the process of combining different things that can help achieve the goal.
  • task: In any organization, employees are assigned certain tasks that need to be implemented. The size of the task depends on the scope of the plan.
  • Means: Sticking to the plan without any resources is difficult. Materials, people, money, etc., are required to complete the established plan.

Importance of writing the plan

Why do political leaders document their plans? This is because he makes them known for the betterment of people and themselves to keep the promise. Writing the plan gives you a chance to review and think of additional scenarios that can be added to make the plan work perfectly. It can also reignite the passion to do something concrete if it gets lost midway.

  • Creation of plans for the event: People find it difficult to take certain steps when making life plans. They are looking for a guide who can help create a life plan. Whether you’re creating a life plan or building your business, writing the plan in a proper structure is like creating a blueprint. You are mature enough to know where and how to reach your goal. The plan offers an exact view of the planning you have thought of. It works for many who have a long-term life-shaping projection.
  • A Purpose for your Goal: Whether you’re creating a plan for a wedding, vacation, or your career, writing down the plan helps establish purpose. It makes you remember the things you have to do. Attach some goals in relation to the plan that will surely give your goal a purpose.
  • to introduce others: Whether it is a business plan or a vacation plan, you can present it to others to give them a summary of your thoughts and how it can be achieved. Include the role members are to play and a clear picture of the entire event.
  • A guide to reaching the goal: A properly executed and written plan helps the individual achieve their goals. You review the list and prioritize each role and steps to reach the goal. Yes, there may be changes in the near future depending on the situation followed. But a written plan is always a great way to take cautious steps.


Planning and writing them can be a painful task that many avoid doing. However, giving practical thoughts about it can help you be a perfectionist to get things moving in the right direction.

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