10 simple tips for a healthy life

With all the emphasis on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we sometimes overlook some of the basic things that help us achieve it. Let’s look at some of these today. Many may seem like a matter of common sense, but if you follow them, you’ll be on your way to a healthy life.

1. Drink lots of water. It is suggested that we consume 8-10 glasses per day. This includes the water we get from food and other drinks we have. A good tip is to drink a glass before eating. Sometimes we are not actually hungry but we are dehydrated.

2. We all know that it is recommended to eat fresh fruit every day. But did you know that it is better to eat them between meals or before meals? If you eat them directly after a meal, your body will store them as unused energy.

3. You should eat a protein with each of your meals. Some excellent sources of protein would include fish, beans, meat, protein bars, and shakes. Your body needs these proteins, so make sure you get enough of them.

4. There are some foods that are best avoided. These would include potatoes, white bread, instant oatmeal, and French fries. The reason is that these are foods that are quickly broken down by the body into sugar.

5. Begin a regular exercise program. If you’re not in the habit of exercising, start slow and work your way up to something that’s more strenuous. Pick something you enjoy doing. If you enjoy the type of exercise, your chances of sticking with it long-term increase. Over time, you should work 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes or more. You will be surprised by the extra energy it will give you and the improvement in your mood. Try to incorporate some weight training into your schedule. This is a great way to naturally increase your metabolism.

6. Include raw vegetables in your daily diet. Nutritionists tell us that the darker the vegetable, the richer it is in nutrients. Focus on the ones that are dark green, deep purple, and dark orange. This will give you the most profit.

7. You should eat smaller meals with snacks in between. Eating every two to three hours is optimal. This will help you naturally increase your metabolism and that is essential for healthy weight management. Peanut butter on a cookie is a good example of snacks to include. If you wait until you’re really hungry, it may be too late. This causes your body to go into a fasting state.

8. Include fatty acids in the diet. Ground flax seed is a good source to accompany food or cereals. It also gives you fiber.

9. Eat high-fiber foods. These foods will help you control cholesterol levels as well as give you the feeling of feeling fuller. Some examples of this type of food would be whole grains, fibrous vegetables, and legumes. You may also want to look at supplementation as there are some good ones out there. You would like to speak with your doctor before beginning any supplementation program.

10. Raw nuts and seeds are a good source of essential fatty acids. You must limit the equals a handful. These fatty acids not only help us burn fat but also
ensures that we have healthy hair, skin and nails.

These are some very simple things that can be done to improve your overall health. You will feel and look much better if you know the basic ways to change or improve your lifestyle.

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