Type 2 Diabetes: Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable With These Thai Food Classics

Thai food is one of the fastest growing cuisines in the West. And with dishes tastier and richer than most other countries can offer, it’s no wonder that more and more Type 2 diabetics are turning to Thai food to eat healthily without the need for salads and soft sandwiches. However, not all Thai dishes […]

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Howard University

Howard University is one of the most famous universities, which is located in Washington, District of Columbia, USA It includes American and African students alike. This university is famous for its teaching ability. They offer a well-disciplined and educated teaching environment. It was established in 1867, so far they don’t want to look back. It […]

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Hormonal acne treatment for very clear skin

Hormonal factors are one of the reasons why acne develops especially in women. According to doctors, acne is the result of hormonal balance and this is what women experience the most even when they are pregnant. These groups of hormones are called androgens, and they are the same hormones that are activated during adolescence, which […]

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10 common health problems of Pomeranians

Miniaturized descendants of larger Arctic Spitz-type breeds such as the American Eskimo Dog and the Samoyed, Pomeranians are lively, intelligent, proud, and very cute! Once hardworking dogs, but now considered “lap dogs,” these playful little dust tassels are happiest when pampered and kept busy. If not trained in obedience or treated inappropriately, they can become […]

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Why a man’s attraction fades and how to keep it: 7 untold truths every woman should know

So many beautiful girls are abandoned every day. And as they sit there, their pride shattered, they think, “I am everything a man would seek. Why did he leave me?” The truth is, that gorgeous face and sleek body doesn’t come close to what a guy needs to maintain his attraction. Sure, it’s what you […]

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Michael Phelps 12,000 Calorie A Day Diet Plan: Is This Program Healthy For Your Body?

Nothing is sweeter than landing many gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics. It is possible with Michael Phelps, an athletic swimmer with a great body. This Olympic star confessed that her entire life is full of sleeping, eating and training. Have you ever wondered about Michael Phelps’ 12,000 Calorie Daily Diet Plan? How does […]

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