5 ways to help Reiki flow more strongly when someone is in pain

Last night when my 5 year old daughter had her first earache I was reminded of how to most effectively administer Reiki to someone in pain. She was crying, moaning and in the worst pain I had ever seen her. Of course, that’s hard to see and not get attached to Reiki healing results.

I instantly gave Reiki to his ear. The bread didn’t seem to go away. The Reiki did not seem to flow strongly. So i got out my homeopathic remedies and gave them a couple of rounds. So I took out the Children’s Tylenol, a first for her.

After I had done everything else I could think of doing at night, I went back to Reiki. I called my Reiki guides, healing guides and Archangel Raphael. Raphael always has a good healing direction for me and I heard him whispering in my ear once I relaxed as the Reiki flowed stronger and stronger.

If you find yourself in a situation of giving Reiki when you are in pain or someone else is in pain and the Reiki doesn’t seem to be flowing much. There are things you can do to help the Reiki flow, even when there is severe pain.

Here are 5 ways to help Reiki flow stronger by relieving pain:

1. Get your ego out of the way! I always affirm before a healing session: “I am a clear and open Reiki channel and my ego has stepped aside.” This is a reminder to let Reiki do its job and I am not the one doing the healing. I’m just a vessel for energy. The more I engage my ego by thinking things like “I want to take the pain away,” the less effective the healing process is and the more likely it is to take in unwanted energy.

2. Relax and breathe! When you hurt yourself or are watching someone you love suffer, pay attention to your breathing. Shallow breathing does not help you relax. It keeps you in panic mode. Notice how much stronger the Reiki begins to flow as you slow your breathing and relax.

If you hurt yourself, take a moment to center yourself and take slow, deep breaths in and out. If you are giving Reiki to another person in pain, remind them to focus on relaxing and breathing. Resisting pain makes it worse. Talk calmly with the person experiencing the pain.

3. Visualize the pain leaving the person to return to their whole state. I imagine the energy of the bread grounding itself in the Earth. If you know Karuna ReikiĀ®, try using the symbol of Kryia and Rama, it really helps to calm the pain.

When I started doing Reiki on my daughter last night, I was remembering how much my ears hurt as a child. I was literally feeling the pain. Well that didn’t help. Archangel Raphael reminds me often about feeling peace and wholeness in my body where someone else is hurting. Feeling his pain adds fuel to the fire, so to speak.

In the case of my daughter last night, I visualized the pressure in her ear being relieved and I saw her ear in its state of health and well-being. A working knowledge of anatomy helps to see the body in its whole state. If you lack anatomy training, do the best you can. You can simply state that the body is in its state of wholeness.

4. Trust that the body knows how to heal itself. Reiki really supports and speeds up the process. When you allow yourself to relax knowing that the body has a brilliant capacity for self-healing, it helps Reiki to flow better through you.

5. Imagine that your hand is a Reiki magnet that draws pain out of the body. When you are giving Reiki to another person, have them visualize your hand drawing the pain out of their body. This gives them something to focus on and helps speed up the process because their state of mind has gone from pain to relief.

Of course, if you are attuned to 2nd degree Reiki, don’t forget CKR, the symbol of power. You will feel the Reiki strengthen with that symbol, especially after you have relaxed and stopped worrying.

When using Reiki for pain relief, remember to stay calm, relaxed, and breath. Remember that everything will be fine. Try not to imagine the worst. That just keeps you in a state of resistance to the healing process.

Trust yourself to know what to do. Depending on the situation, you may need to seek medical or other professional help. In the case of my daughter, this morning she woke up feeling fine.

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