A Minute for You: A Simple Strategy for a Better Life by Spencer Johnson

“A Minute for You: A Simple Strategy for a Better Life” by Spencer Johnson will take you more than a minute to read, but not much longer, and it’s time well spent. It is a short book of just over 100 pages, and some of those pages only contain a quote. So yeah, it’s pretty simple to read and it won’t take you long. However, the message that Johnson shares in this little story is a very good one, and for those who act on it, they will probably see the benefits of doing so.

The book was originally published in the 1980s as “A Minute for Me.” In the ’90s, it was released as “A Minute for You.” Now, nearly 20 years after the release of the second edition and more than 25 years since the original, the message in this little book remains as relevant as ever. I know I enjoyed reading it, and it made me think about the times I forget to take care of myself and how that affects those around me.

The book is written in story format and is about a man who is going to learn the secret of happiness from his uncle, a man who seemed to enjoy everything. Through conversations with his uncle and a few others, the man learns the importance of taking care of himself in order to later be a better person and take care of others.

There are four parts to the lesson. Take Care of Me, Take Care of You, Take Care of Us and The Benefits of the World. For the three most important lessons Taking Care of Me, You, and Us, there are summary pages at the end of those chapters. These are nice to go over the lessons contained in the story.

If you have a little time, reading “A Minute for You” is a good use. Especially if it makes you stop and think, and then implement some time for yourself in your life to reduce stress and enjoy life a little more. Do this for yourself, and then share it with others and maybe the last chapter is right, the world will benefit.

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