A Sure Remedy for Fleas on a Kitten

Struggling to get rid of a flea infestation on a kitten in the home requires patience as with all fleas found on the animal. These insects are blood-sucking pests that cause discomfort in the pathophysiological state of the cat, resulting in anemia in the later stage.

The kitten’s health would be greatly compromised and would lead to anemia in the later stage, an itchy sensation caused by frequent bites and scratches, allergic reactions to flea saliva that would cause skin rashes, and even transmit other parasites such as the tapeworm Dipylidium caninum when infected. eat. In addition, cat fleas have been found to carry Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of Lyme disease.

Manufacturers have been advertising products like Advantage, Front Line and Revolution. But are they really safe? No. They can only be used for older cats, but NOT for kittens. These chemicals are not recommended for kittens up to 8 weeks of age.

Be careful about using essential oils on kitties as well. They do not efficiently metabolize essential oils and their use can cause symptoms of toxicity. This is because kittens, especially very young ones, have livers, kidneys, and immune systems that are not yet fully functional. A misuse of these harmful products can very well kill them on the spot.

The safest way to treat a kitten for feline fleas at a very young age is to bathe the kitten with warm water and Dawn dishwasher detergent. Ajax, on the other hand, has the same ingredient as Dawn and can also be an option. Well I think all soaps can as they will tend to break the surface tension of the water and the fleas will sink to the bottom and run off.

Using the sink or tub, fill it with warm water and test the temperature. Submerge the kitten up to the neck and moisten her face and head with a facial cleanser. Then pick it up and place it on a towel. Gently massage the detergent all over the body, including the part of the head, being careful not to get the soap in the eyes. Put it back in the water for a few minutes, preventing it from getting cold.

Then, manually remove any remaining fleas while the kitten is still wet from her bath. Using a flea comb, put a little Vaseline at the base of the comb’s teeth to prevent fleas from escaping the comb as you run it all over your body. You can have a cup of very hot water ready to drop the fleas in as you catch them, or place the captured fleas on the sticky side of duct tape.

Also, the best advice for treating fleas on kittens is to treat the mother cat as well with a top-tier flea treatment like Revolution, Advantage, or Frontline, provided you have your veterinarian’s consent to do so. According to the literature provided, these parasiticide products are topical medications that are applied to the cat’s skin and are safe for use in pregnant or lactating cats. In addition to fleas, it is also used to treat and prevent ear mite infestation, sarcoptic mange, roundworms, hookworms, and heartworms.

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