Alkaline vs. Acid Debacle

Alkaline diets have absolutely no science to back them up. There is absolutely nothing to support any of the claims.

In fact, the only research done on blood pH is to help people avoid being too alkaline or too acidic.

You see, the blood should stay in a very narrow range: 7.45 to 7.6. People have their pH set and no food on the planet will change it.

Here’s how ridiculous some of the alkaline people are.

1: Eat alkaline foods – then they name the top couple: apple cider vinegar, cabbage, apples.

ACV: pH 4.0 – very acidic

Cabbage: pH 6.2 – slightly acidic

Apples: pH 3.5 – very acidic

The foods they suggest are acidic, not alkaline.

Processed foods are alkaline, averaging 7.5 to 9.0.

2: Foods are digested better that are alkaline

Fact: All food passes through the stomach and changes to pH 2.0 – extremely acidic

They move into the intestine at pH8.0 – slightly basic

Bile, used to digest fats, pH 5.0 – slightly acidic

Then in the large intestine at pH 5.0 – slightly acidic

Raising the pH of the stomach to 3.0 allows whole pieces of food to pass into the intestine and this leads to IBS, bile and gallbladder problems, and diverticulitis.

3: Nutrients in food help make blood more acidic or alkaline

Fact: Slightly true. The buffering capacity of the blood is determined by the nutrients we eat. Processed foods do not provide nutrients. Whole foods provide many nutrients. More than 1,000 systems determine if we stay in a normal range, not if you ate wheat or quinoa.

4: Cancer lives in acidic conditions, so eat a lot of cabbage, apples and vinegar.

Research shows that people who have cancer tend to have blood pH on the lower side of the normal pH spectrum. But, before the alkalizers celebrate, those same people also have a normal carbohydrate intake of more than 300g per day and survive mainly on processed foods. The medication these people take also slightly lowers the pH of the blood. Oxygen in the blood decreases and digestive function is depressed, which lowers the pH of the blood.

In fact, we found that when your digestive system becomes alkaline, your chances of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases increase exponentially.

Really, the unique thing about the alkaline diet is that it supports a whole food based diet.

The reasoning for why you should alkalize is just rubbish.

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