body language queues

Body language is fascinating. People rarely recognize the amount of information they put out and how perceptible it is to the human eye. Even to the untrained human eye. It is said that no less than 50 percent of the information about a person’s character, impact, and credibility is transmitted without verbal communication.

The following is a list of some common body postures and sets of people’s position.

Meanings of bodily actions.

Crossed Arms: Defensive and cautious.

Chin resting on the palm: Critical, cynical and negative towards the other person.

Dropping glasses on the lower bridge of the nose and looking over them: Causes negative reactions in others.

Slowly and deliberately removing glasses and carefully cleaning the lens: the person wants to pause and think before objecting or asking for clarification.

Pinching the bridge of the nose: Communicates great thought and concern.

Rubbing your nose or touching your nose – a sign of doubt, often reveals a negative reaction.

Rub around the ears: Performed while considering an answer, commonly in conjunction with ‘well, I don’t know’.

Putting your feet on a desk or a chair: gestures of territorial hegemony.

Swaying backwards: weak ego.

Retracted shoulders: Suppressed anger.

Direct eye contact: Interested, he likes you

Smiling eyes: it’s comfortable

Relaxed Brow: Comfortable

Limited or no eye contact: deceitful, disinterested, too confined, awkward, distracted

Tension in the forehead: Confusion, tension, fear

Shoulders hunched forward: uninterested or feeling inferior

Stiff body posture: Anxious, tense

Arms crossed: It can be simply cold, protecting the body or defensive

Tapping Fingers: Restless, anxious, bored

Fidgeting with hands or objects (ie pen): Bored or have something to say

Leaning Forward: Interested

Interlocked fingers placed behind head leaving elbows open and underarms exposed: Very open to ideas, comfortable

Mirroring you: he likes you and wants to be friendly

Still: More interested in what you’re saying than anything else.

Eyes widen a little more than usual: gives people the impression that they are welcome.

Breathe faster: Nervous or angry

Strong and short inhalation: You want to interrupt a person who is speaking

Strong sigh: Understand what is being said.

Twisting the feet continuously: a person is nervous or worried, but it can also mean that a person is stressed or angry and does not want to show it to everyone.

Legs wide apart or sitting with legs apart – shows that a person feels safe and confident in himself. You can also show leadership.

A big smile that lasts longer and disappears more slowly: Unreal or fake smile

Legs crossed with the highest foot facing the speaker: Relaxed and self-assured and listen carefully.

Quick nodding: You are impatient and eager to add something to the conversation.

Nodding slowly: Shows interest and that you are validating the interviewer’s comments, and this subtly encourages the interviewer to continue.

Dangling Your Shoe Loose From Your Toes: Signs of Physical Attraction

Rubbing the neck: Nerves

Adjusting the tie: Insecurity

Tight Lips: Tight lips convey disagreement and disapproval. Communicates the desire to end the discussion. A raised chin implies aggression that can be acted upon if you don’t end the conversation.

Pursed lips – this is also a sign of disapproval. Indicates that the person has fixed views that cannot be changed. This usually reveals an arrogant and superficial character.

Biting the lips: The person expresses shame when biting the lips. It also communicates a lack of self-confidence.

Reading Hand Signs: People have been given two hands: the left and the right. The left has been nicknamed the “emotional hand” as an imaginary line can be drawn from the third finger leading directly to the heart. That is why the wedding ring is placed on this finger. The right hand, literally on the other hand. it has been named the “own hand” since it is with this hand that people communicate a block or stop signal.

Open Hands: Open hands can be demonstrated by showing the palm of the hand, especially in a conversation or discussion. This expresses trust in others and interest in their opinions. It also offers an opinion and invites you to share the other person’s point of view.

Covered Hands: Expressed by raising the back of one or both hands against the others. This indicates the installation of barriers or the maintenance of distance. It is an act of hiding feelings and covering up insecurity.

Clinging hands: Those that cling to objects, such as bags. files or tables. show a need for support. This action conveys confusion or insecurity. Expresses fear and difficulty in coping with the current situation.

Crooked hands (cross both hands and join the palms): Expression of a complex personality. It can indicate a difficult emotional life. The way the palms are held together conveys the need to hide something.

Join hands: indicates defense.

Shrugged shoulders: You can tell stressed shoulders by the fact that they are hunched up a bit, making the head appear smaller. The meaning of the sign comes from ducking in dangerous situations.

The meaning of this pose depends on the combination. In combination with big eyes it means that someone is worried about something that is going to happen. In combination with a face that is turned away, it means that the person wants to be left alone. An introvert person almost always has those stressed shoulders.

Difference in the level of both shoulders: For most people, the left and right shoulders are the same height. When they are not, it often means that someone is doubting what he is going to do. With this movement we simulate (unconsciously) that we are weighing the possibilities. Sometimes when someone does this move, their head will move a bit as if they are looking up.

Crossed arms: There are many different explanations for the meaning of crossed arms. When someone has their arms crossed and shakes their head, it means they don’t agree with you. But he can also cross his arms when he’s scared, so his arms give him some protection. Another option is that he feels cold and is trying to keep his body heat with him. When someone is sitting in a chair with their arms crossed, it indicates that the person is relaxed.

Make a fist with your hands: a fist is a sign of aggression. It comes from hitting someone. But it is rarely used with a threatening meaning. Most of the time it is used to indicate that you are angry or irritated.

Putting your hand in front of your mouth: Putting your hand in front of your mouth means that you are hiding something. In Western countries it is impolite to burp or hiccup. So someone can put their hand in front of their mouth to hide the hiccups. When someone puts their hand to their mouth when they are speaking it indicates that they are saying something or have said something that they did not mean.

Making eyes look bigger: The significance of making eyes look bigger might make someone wonder. In that case he opens his mouth a little. It can also mean that he is happy or that he likes what is being said. And since it means you like something, you can use it on purpose. People like it when your eyes are a little wider.

When people open their eyes a little wider, it can also mean that they are sadly surprised. Then they will frown.

Raising the eyebrows: Raising the eyebrows shortly means that people are surprised. They raise their eyebrows to make them look better. But it can also mean that someone is watching you and that they like you.

Raised forehead: A raised forehead often means that someone is remembering something they have seen. This often happens very quickly. It can also be a sign of a certain emotion. It is a biological reflex to raise your forehead a little when you cry so that the tears can move more easily.

Pursed Lips: When someone purses their lips it means they have a decision to make and they are thinking about it. Sometimes he moves his lips too, as if he’s saying the possibilities. When someone purses their lips, they often look up a bit.

Firm Handshake: The strong and firm handshake is usually given by a person who is confident and self-assured.

Weak handshake: People who give this type of handshake are nervous, shy, insecure, or afraid to interact with other people.

He cleared his throat: Nervousness.

Nail biting: Nervousness.

Wringing hands: Nervousness.

He walked on the ground: Nervousness.

A person is swinging their legs and their arms are crossed or their torso is drooping: Closed

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