Can Plumbing Repair Fix a Clogged Drain?

Plumbing Repair Fix a Clogged Drain

Nothing puts a damper on dinner plans like a clogged kitchen sink, and a backed-up shower can leave you feeling soggy. Fortunately, many clogged drains can be fixed with simple tools and techniques you probably already have at home. Before calling a plumber, try these DIY fixes from the experts at Seider Heating, Plumbing & Electrical:

The old standby for clearing pesky sink clogs is baking soda and vinegar. This method works by creating a chemical reaction that breaks down and disintegrates the material causing the clog. This can be particularly effective if the clog is caused by grease, hair, or food scraps. Simply pour equal parts of baking soda and vinegar down your clogged drain, then follow with hot water. Repeat as needed until the clog is gone. This method is also a good idea for clearing clogged garbage disposals. Just be sure to use white vinegar, as other types can corrode your pipes.

If your clogged drain is on the smaller side, a simple plunger may do the trick. This handy tool can be found at most home improvement stores and is great for loosening or breaking up small amounts of clogged materials. For stubborn or deep clogs, you can invest in a drain snake, which is similar to a plumbing repair auger and can be used by professional plumbers as well.

Often, the cause of a clogged drain is due to a blocked overflow vent. These air slits or holes are located along the edge of your sink and keep overflowing drains from causing serious flooding and damage. To avoid accidentally knocking one of these open while trying to clear a clogged drain, make sure to cover them with a piece of rubber or duct tape.

Can Plumbing Repair Fix a Clogged Drain?

Natural cleaners like Bio-Clean are designed to clean and disinfect drains without damaging or corroding them. This product works by introducing healthy bacteria into your pipes, which then eat away at the debris causing the clog. It takes a little longer than a traditional pipe cleaning solvent, but it is safe to use around children and pets. Additionally, this product does not contain any toxins that can harm fish or the environment as a whole.

While you can probably handle most clogged drains on your own, you need to call in a professional for major problems like a clogged sewer line. These are usually a sign of bigger issues that need to be addressed, such as a broken or damaged section of pipe. A plumber can typically fix these more invasive issues by using a video inspection and special equipment.

If you do happen to encounter a major clogged sewer line, shut off your water supply at the main valve and turn off any running appliances. You will also want to take steps to protect flammable items in your home, as the repair process will likely involve cutting and soldering. Afterward, the plumber can use a hydraulic jet to clean out the lines and remove any blockages.

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