Tips to improve and evaluate your website performance

The performance of a website is very important, but most of the time the website owner or designer overlooks this factor. Remember, not all visitors to your website have fast internet access. Some of the people who visit your website may reside in places or countries that do not have fast internet access. Therefore, paying […]

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Will we ever say ENOUGH to gun violence?

How many more, must die, before, enough Americans, articulate a message, similar, the famous line, from the movie, Network, that proclaims, I’m mad as hell, and I won’t take it anymore? Despite the fact that public polls indicate, the public overwhelmingly support some sensible gun control measures, including: better background checks; removing huge weapon clips; […]

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Wiki Strategy: Promotion of your travel, tourism or accommodation website

A wiki is a website that allows users to collectively add and edit content. “Wiki wiki” means “quickly” in the Hawaiian language. Anyone using a browser can visit and edit a public wiki. This creates a powerful online collaboration environment that is self-managed by your users. Wikis are considered part of social networks and a […]

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Tips to have the most effective and best-selling micro website development

The task of a website is to deliver a large amount of information to the user, mainly in the format of the company’s product, literature, resources, service categories, frequently asked questions, blogs, and many others. It is the combination of all these pieces of information that makes any website demanding and more likely to be […]

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