4 branding tips on using Instagram for your business

How to Create a Powerful Social Media Marketing Strategy on Instagram One of the most powerful marketing tools marketers have today is social media. From Facebook posts to tweets on Twitter, sharing your products or services on social media platforms is a great way to increase brand awareness, engagement, sales, and leads. However, many people […]

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How Income Streams Shape the Cultures of Government, Nonprofit, and For-Profit Organizations

When we look beyond the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) nonprofit status of an organization as reported on its IRS Form 990, many of the distinctions between For profit Y Nonprofit corporations lose meaning from an operational point of view. As Peter Drucker states, “The differences between running a chain of retail stores and running a […]

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Learning from the great novels: one hundred years of solitude

Gabriel García Márquez’s writing has the depth and strength of childhood memories, his own. His infinitely captivating novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude It sparkles with prose so rich and nostalgic that you’ll think you’re remembering things instead of hearing them for the first time. What can you learn from this master of the art […]

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Technology is the bonfire around which we tell our stories

In many ways, there has been a sea change in storytelling that is altering the way we have traditionally marketed. Let’s consider what this means for the way businesses do marketing today. Simply put, people’s habits are changing and companies must adapt using today’s storytelling methods. Otherwise, people (potential customers) can go where the customer […]

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What is in an image? – How to prevent ‘cognitive overload’ in your ELearning modules

Ever wonder what the engagement rules were for using graphics in eLearning? I see a lot of eLearning where graphics can distract from the content, rather than attract the student to the content. For example, should you use high-resolution illustrations or photos? Well, to be honest, you can use either one, as long as they […]

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Nordictrack’s Best Elliptical Trainer: 3 Ellipticals That Outshine The Competition

Looking for the best elliptical crosstrainer from Nordictrack? Nordictrack ellipticals are some of the most popular ellipticals on the market. They have some extremely unique machine designs that are not found anywhere else, but they do offer many models. So which one is best for you? Well, here are 3 of the best elliptical trainers […]

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Time to start marketing your manufacturing business on the internet

There are many manufacturing companies that earn the majority of their business through word of mouth, loyal customers, and partnership agreements. For this reason, it’s critical to consider expanding your reach and take a look at online marketing. Manufacturers who leverage content to promote their brand / business online are able to attract new potential […]

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