Basics of Intellectual Property Compensation

Intellectual Property Compensation – Generally Indemnity clauses (sometimes called liability release clauses, indemnity agreements, or indemnity agreements) are common in agreements where one party wishes to transfer certain risks to another party. In intellectual property indemnification clauses, the risk is commonly associated with patent infringement, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, software problems, […]

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8 tips for navigating the school year with a high-conflict ex

Getting through the school year is tough enough, but trying to navigate through the school year with a high-conflict co-parent is even tougher. Here are some tips to reduce stress. 1. Make sure the school has all the important information they will need for each of you. By taking the time to provide each parent’s […]

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A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deeply or don’t taste the Pierian spring

Alexander Pope, best known for popularizing the heroic couplet, caught my eye in an English literature class at Michigan State University in the mid-1960s. I was more interested in reading Pope at the time than learning about Pope because he clearly knew how to do what I call “turning a word.” That is, write a […]

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Should you collaborate? The benefits of collaboration for new and experienced teachers

It is not practical for any new or experienced teacher to work in isolation. Unfortunately, many teachers work under curricular pressures and tough times. Since school districts don’t provide teachers with much-needed specific guidelines on how to collaborate, teachers must develop their own collaboration plan. This leaves many teachers feeling isolated and uncomfortable initiating their […]

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Discus Fish Care: How To Introduce Your New Discus To School

Discus care begins as soon as you bring them home from the pet store, even before you add them to the tank with their new friends. These aquatic creatures are especially sensitive to stress, so minimizing stress on them is extremely important for their long-term health. This article will discuss how to minimize the stress […]

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Law School: Avoiding Expository Writing on Law School Essay Exams

In law school, as well as in the practice of law, you will have many opportunities to demonstrate your skills in many types of writing. One type of writing that you will need to use from time to time is expository writing. Expository writing is a rhetorical mode of writing in which the author’s purpose […]

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trampoline repair

trampolines They are great for kids during summer backyard parties, but beware of hazards in the trampoline’s structure and material if not properly maintained. trampoline repair should be carried out every four to five years, and replaced after ten to twelve years, sooner if you find that weather conditions have hastened the appearance of holes […]

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Review of the book on the civil rights of blacks in the United States

In chapter one, Kevern Verney begins by explaining the growth of the urban population in American society in the last decades of the 19th century due to internal migration and, mainly, immigration abroad. Between 1880 and 1921, most immigrants came from southern and eastern European countries, but in the world war period, due to war […]

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