What is intermittent fasting all about and is it something you should be doing?

Intermittent fasting has become more popular than ever in recent years! There are plenty of celebrities, physical therapists, and influencers singing its praises in terms of fat loss! In this article, I look at what’s involved, the potential pros and cons, and whether it’s right for you. So first, what is it!? Many consider intermittent […]

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How to shave butt hair: the safest way to remove hair from a crack in the anus without causing irritation

Now why would you want to shave your butt hair? It’s not like anyone could see it. Okay, if it has to do with sex and your partner having to feel it, then I guess that’s reason enough. But it is? Before you go crazy with the razor, the hair has a purpose, it helps […]

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How to clean gemstone necklaces

The clutter on your desk builds up, and eventually you can’t do anything until you clean it up. This familiar scenario serves as a metaphor for curing gemstone necklaces and the need to cleanse them effectively. If healing stones are cared for properly, their capabilities are vast. When applied therapeutically, gemstones release unwanted energies from […]

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Five things you wanted to know about your nose piercing but forgot to ask

Body art and modification are part of the human experience. Even the smallest forms of body art, like a nose piercing, can be beautiful ways to celebrate life. Fortunately, the passage of time has made society a little more open and accepting of those who embrace the life of tattoos, piercings, and body modifications. But […]

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Is the band dead?

Are music and band t-shirts dead? Introduction Fashions come and go by definition, however, there are some clothing items that never completely go out of style. Usually, an innovation emerges or a peripheral trend brings them back into the public eye. For example, I’m thinking of blue jeans, which have been an iconic and dominant […]

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