Coating Law Planet Earth

Ley Lines are super highways on the earth’s surface that act as a conduit for the universal Life Force. The human body mimics these lines through the meridians that are used and made public through the science of Chinese acupuncture. These lines allow the flow of energy between vital points to ensure that the life force reaches the places that need it most.

Much more is written about them today, and yet there was a time when the ancients used this knowledge to connect most of the temples, religious sites, and monuments on our planet. Just google the words ‘ground power grids’ and see how many reference maps come up showing that most of the old sites connect quite easily to other sites. After reading everything I could on the subject, I discovered that the Egyptian pyramids play an integral role in connecting all of these energy networks on planet Earth. I also found out that the most important military installations today are located right at the junctions of such power lines.

In the early 1990s I had the adventure of visiting Sedona in the US state of Arizona. During the few days I was there I experienced strong and vivid dreams like never before. I felt a definite energy flow through my body and it became charged with an electricity that I couldn’t explain. They explained to me that Sedona is one of the few places on Earth where there are two vortexes of energy over the area. One is a female vortex and the other is a male. I didn’t think much of it until, during my stay there, word came out that some bodies had been found in a nearby cave and they appeared to have been the subject of some kind of human sacrifice. I have since learned that similar activities often occur where power grids are located.

Some people may well ask, “Then why should I know about these energy grids or ley lines? What do I care?” The answer is simple when you consider that the energy that flows through these lines can have an effect on your mental, physical, and emotional state. Back in Sedona I went through a myriad of emotions in a relatively short time and it became apparent that the vortices were responsible for this. In fact, many locals told me that once a month they need to leave the area for at least three days to rest from the intense energy.

So, like some people, you too may move to an area where you feel more comfortable and find your passion reignited. Authors, professionals of all stripes, and various entrepreneurs who move to an area that resonates with their own energy find that they begin to perform better than before. Today it is possible to work from anywhere where there is an Internet link. This happened to my wife and I when we moved to Italy for a few years.

After the Sedona experience, I became more sensitive to power grids and discovered that one existed right on the Italian-Swiss border, right over Lake Como. Once again, the spectacular dreams returned and for the next several years we had an adventurous time as we take advantage of the vortex just above us. Every month we would take a trip to another European country for a couple of days or so, and the result was an even clearer understanding of how to successfully use Earth Ley lines to live a richer and healthier lifestyle.

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