Combat stress and fatigue in the workplace through diet, exercise, and meditation

Have you ever felt like your body is in constant “fight or flight” mode? With our culture of tech overload, road rage, and overscheduled, double-booked lives, it’s no wonder our bodies feel drained, burned out, and just plain tired.

Essentially, what you are dealing with on a daily basis is a symptom called adrenal exhaustion. It’s bad? It depends. Is it chronic? More often, yes. From the moment his alarm wakes you up to the night drive back to his home; your body is internalizing its environment and producing adrenaline to combat the stressors you face on a daily basis.

Our world now does not allow us or have time for us to slow down and relax from a very stressful situation. Your body is registered to read that term or sales pitch as a threat to your survival and releases hormones to make you run or fight.

And now that? How can you combat the high level of adrenaline pumping through your body?
There are many excellent supplements and tonics that are effective in lowering these levels, as well as targeting and strengthening the endocrine system (the glands most affected by stress).

What you need are adaptogens in your daily diet/supplement regimen.

To stay healthy, lean, happy, energized, and stress-free, here are some exercises, food choices, supplements, toners, and teas I use daily. These items help my body cool off from all these adrenaline-releasing stressful events:

5-Minute Yoga Deep Breaths: Inhale (through the nose) for 7 counts and exhale for 10 counts.

Turkey, cheese, chocolate, and bananas are great items to eat for lunch and dinner. Tryptophan helps increase the levels of serotonin (the hormones of happiness) that are produced from these products and serves to release the anxiety and stress that you face on a daily basis.

siberian ginseng


sports tea

Adrenal Support Tonic (Elethuro, Licorice Root, Milky Oat Seed, Sarsaparilla Root, Prickly Ash Bark)

Within 4 days you will feel the effects of stimulating and nourishing your adrenal glands. Treat them right, and in turn, they’ll keep you healthy, young, and less stressed.

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