Cure my dog’s UTI with natural remedies

Are you looking for a way for your dog to benefit from the healing powers of medicinal herbs, to recover from illness and stay healthy? He could turn to homeopathy, a system of medications that believes in boosting the body’s defenses and acting to get rid of any problems on its own. One in particular would be a canine urinary tract infection.

Homeopathic pet remedies come in a variety of packages. Some such as staphysagria and cantharis can be given to your pet specifically to tone the bladder and soothe and restore function to the lower urinary tract. Others are combinations of various herbal extracts like UTI-Free which promotes normal health in the urinary systems. It contains ingredients such as berberis vulgaris, arctostaphylos uva ursi, as well as cantharis and staphysagria. Particularly effective for the treatment of canine urinary tract infection.

There are other natural remedies that help support the immune system, including Immunity & Liver Support, a formulation that contains herbs such as ginseng, echinacea, and extracts of thistle and dandelion. These types of toners may be just what the doctor ordered. Your pets will benefit from the gentle action and preventative properties of these medications.

However, aside from remedies, another natural way to keep your best friend in tip-top shape is to feed him correctly. Learn about better quality pet food. It may cost more, but it’s worth it when you think about the likelihood of your vet paying big bills if your pet gets sick.

Dogs are usually much more active than cats and as a result, they need more water and regular exercise. Make sure your pet gets at least two walks a day; more if he needs them and you can handle it. Change the water in your drinker, filling it whenever it is empty and throwing out the stale water. This will help keep your insides well flushed and remove any toxins that cause stones.

Perhaps the mottos should be “care and attention” because really, this is all your pet will ever need from you. Look at his habits and take the time to change the ones you can, such as increasing the frequency of his walks.

Dogs that exercise regularly stay fit because disease-causing bacteria can only build up in a dog’s bladder if it can’t empty it when it needs to. Another good idea is to go for regular check-ups with the vet, even if your dog shows no signs of discomfort. It’s a matter of “rather safe than sorry”. Lastly, if your dog has already had a UTI, have him keep a log of his activities and note any changes from day to day so that any recurring infections can be checked for as soon as possible.

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