DIY Winnie the Pooh Keychains

Making your own hard plastic Winnie the Pooh key chain charm is a great project that parents and their children can do together. When you’re done, you’ll have a clear, waterproof, rigid plastic Pooh charm that you can use as a key chain, Christmas ornament, as part of a hanging mobile, luggage tag, necklace or earring charms, or anything else your imagination can come up with.

This is what you will need:

A large piece of #6 clear plastic (styrofoam)

Fine tip permanent marker (black)

Colored permanent markers (Yellow and red for Pooh Bear)



Use of the kitchen oven and oven mitt

aluminum foil sheet


Golden thong keychain

First get a large piece of clear #6 plastic (styrofoam). This is easily identified by looking for the recycling symbol. A #6 in the triangle means you are ready to go. Clear lids for takeout trays are typically made from #6 plastic. Find a picture of Winnie the Pooh below to use offline. Download a suitable photo and print it on your printer on plain paper. Keep in mind that the final product will be scaled down to approximately three to four times smaller than your initial image, so keep this in mind.

Cut the #6 plastic so you have a flat sheet slightly larger than the picture. Tape the image to the plastic sheet. With the fine tip black permanent marker, trace Pooh’s outline, as well as all of his features: eyes, nose, eyebrows, mouth, shirt, etc. Fill in his dark features like eyes and nose. Once you’ve tracked him down, use the yellow marker to fill in his fur and the red marker to fill in his shirt. Next, remove the tape from the paper image and cut the plastic into the shape you want (rectangle, oval, etc.)

Move oven rack all the way down. Place the foil on the rack.

Heat oven to 350 degrees. When the oven is ready, place the plastic image on the foil with the oven mitt and close the door.

Within the first minute or so, your art will begin to curl and shrink. It’s fun to watch! Then shortly after, it should start to flatten out. After about three and a half minutes, your image should be ready. Using oven mitt, carefully remove foil pan from oven.

Your plastic charm is still hot and will stay moldable for another ten seconds or so before it cools down. If it’s not completely flat, you can smooth it out by placing a large, flat object like a book on top of it. Or if you want you can bend and shape your art. But work fast before it gets cold.

After the charm has cooled, drill a small hole in the top for the chain. Attach the chain and you’re done. You have just created your very own hard plastic Winnie the Pooh keychain! These make great gifts for Winnie the Pooh enthusiasts and can even be used as baby shower party favors.

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