End of Matter Review – by Graham Greene

Many have considered this book to be From Greene confessional work on a relationship he once had with a married woman – one who loved him but refused to leave her husband.

The end of the Affair it is an adulterous affair between Maurice Bendrix, and Sarah miles. Bendrix visited often Sarah at home, and made love to her even in the presence of her husband. Enrique he is aware of his failed marriage, and even suspects that his wife had an affair. Enriqueincredibly, he discusses his suspicions with Bendrix.

They both knew with dark certainty that their adventure was doomed. Bendrix he was intensely possessive. He hated Sarah because she would not leave her husband. She also hated the husband because Sarah always came back to him. He is also aware that Sarah had other adventures.

Time Bendrix I was struggling to find true love Sarah He wandered through his own desert, pain coming in great waves. His feelings were ambivalent about God. She blamed He for everything: her dead marriage to Enriqueand her unhappy relationships with men. Because of her anger with Him she promised ‘steal from God what He is the one who loves the most in her and therefore he embarked on a period of promiscuity. Your conversion to Catholicism finally came up when Bendrix he survived an explosion that Sarah thought had killed him.

Bendrix Later he read in his journal that Sarah made a promise to God that she would break their relationship if Hears allowed him to live after the bomb blast. The story reaches a climax with the events that follow Sarah’s serious illness from a lung infection.

With Tea End of issue, Greene he is able to speak to the collective human experience that in all of us there is a victim who suffers and desperately seeks meaning in life. Place the story during the Second World War maybe Greene it pointed out the failures of society, the senseless and apocalyptic power of war, which led to social misery and the decay of the human spirit. Many of those who lived through this war had also witnessed the carnage of the first great war.

By raging against society, some try to tear it apart as with Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment who commits the murder of an innocent. However Bendrix’s Anger does not manifest itself in political or criminal actions but against the norms of society. By not believing in anything, a vision of the man without God, he had full faith in himself.

He believed that there were no boundaries that he couldn’t take, and that he could also have whoever he wanted, including someone else’s wife. Aim Sarah’s The refusal to leave her husband refutes and even destroys this notion. She rejected her affair as a sin and a violation of an inner moral justice. With this rejection Bendrix’s the boundless faith in oneself was shaken, and had to disappear and be supplanted by a greater spiritual force.

In a dramatic twist, after some intricate twists in the story, Bendrix hire the private detective, Mr parkis, to name Enrique to find out Sarah’s current favorite lover. Turns out to be God, as Sarah gradually undergoes her tortuous transformation and ‘fallen in faith as I fell in love’. This and other revelations in the book force Bendrix, amid the horrors of war and death, to face the modest acceptance of the existence of God. With this, the book ends with the hope of his salvation from nihilism to a new life of faith.

When one thinks of The end of the Affair one thinks of Maurice Bendrix. In a strange way, he seems to have been chosen by divine grace, although he is not worthy of it. The writer cleverly introduces us to the idea of ​​family. Sarah has it in her weak husband, Henry, and Bendrix does not. Of the two, it is the one that is furthest removed from the vital lines of existence and society. Her attachment to Sarah and her husband seems like a misguided attempt to re-enter a family. The story’s setting mainly unfolds in his tortured conscience, with him drawing a sword to fight the social ghosts he cannot kill. We see you in your thoughts and we are familiar with your anger.

Sarah seems to be the fire of nature, a figure in a spiritual dimension, to force Bendrix’s redemption. Her romance with Bendrix was not a biblical blessing but a prelude to the pain and helplessness of the soul – the suffering that precedes penance. Poor Enrique, the cuckold boldly endures his pain and is the symbol of human dignity even when humiliated.

The end of the Affair is Greene in his philosophical prime. In reading The end of the Affair we are under the power of a powerful intellect and the inspiration of a sublime novel. From Greene Motivating to write the book is explicit. Its design, and indeed its genius, is to move us from our own skepticism to faith. This is a theme that the writer ably sustains from beginning to end. The movie of Neil jordan with Ralph fiennes and Julianne Moore It is a classic and a great tribute to the novel and its author.

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