Evony – Forever Free Game

Evony free forever is a browser game featuring some of the best graphics in new online games and a totally new and engaging concept that millions of people have already enjoyed. For those who appreciate and love massively multiplayer games, they will also be long-term Evony players free forever once they get a little bite. While you can choose whether to buy Evony Coins, the game is still basically free and apparently has millions of players to date since it was released to the world market in early 2009.

Basically, Evony, also previously known as Civony, is a browser-based multiplayer online game with graphic elements reminiscent of Civilization. Players compete against each other in a castle like a war with thousands of other players. Each player must build their own city by paying attention to the latest defenses, resources, investing in new technologies and armies destined to expand the territory.

It has been a hot topic on the internet recently, not only because of the popularity of the game, but also for legal and copyright issues, with many claiming that Evony was a cheap and outright scam from people like Sid Meier’s Civilization. Adding to the controversy is Evony’s strong AdSense campaign featuring scantily-clad pretty girls to other obvious scams from Age of Empires, Civilization, and some parts of the Habbo Hotel interface. In addition to the outrageous advertising campaign, they frequently claim that users can “play quietly” and have also been accused of promoting the player through “millions of spam comments left on blogs.”

Despite all this negative attention, controversy, and a strong advertising and marketing campaign, Evony free forever seems to have at least a large majority of web players who sign up for an account and see the game from their gaming perspective. The game has created a whole new online niche; Websites that cover aspects such as cheats, guides, tactics, bots, etc. appear on a daily basis. Evobot allows automatic control of the game interface and leads the popular browser game overwhelmed by “automatic” play, which in other words, cheating, this could essentially alienate the genuine user and members of the larger alliance from the things out of control.

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