Feng Shui or space cleaning, which is better?

Traditional Feng Shui mainly addresses the energy of the Macro-cosmos, the sun, the moon, the cosmos, gravity, magnetism and landforms and how this chi imprints your home. See how time cycles and physical forms can alter chi. Cleaning the space is primarily about changing the emotional energy of your immediate surroundings or Microphone-cosmos. This is quantum physics and the part of your environment that you can adjust through positive thinking. Both practices use different techniques to achieve a change in the energy of your home. Feng Shui uses the Chinese system of 5 elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal to balance the chi. Cleaning the space uses chants, prayers, bells, salts, essential oils, and white sage to clear a space, but it cannot alleviate the problems that are created from the structural shape of the house.

How do you know if you need a space cleaning and what are the clues? Perhaps a ghost has been attracted to your home or a family member (have you been to a funeral lately?) If there is a lingering sense of pessimism or doom in the family, sadness or dejection, or perhaps you have had problems sleeping or one of your children has recurring nightmares. You may have a ghost. Not all entities are scary, sometimes they are just wounded and lonely souls who do not know how to ascend and need our prayers, or a proper burial.

Draining energy into a home can also be your own negative or fearful feelings that are out of control. Your vibrations will affect and be “registered” by the things around you. This is how psychometrists can obtain information from your car keys, for example. Remember that everything is energy and there are recording mechanisms in many different types of materials. Don’t forget that we know how to record complex sounds / music onto a piece of tape or plastic disk. There is a lot going on in the environment that we have yet to understand scientifically.

Low sound vibrations below 20 hz calls infrasound it can also make us anxious. 20 hz. It is below what normal human ears can hear, but these vibrations can make us feel nervous and uncomfortable. Some subwoofers can generate these sound waves. Animals can hear these lower sound waves and it is theorized that these sounds are emitted just before earthquakes, which is why animals act so strangely before an earthquake occurs.

Positive and negative ions can also affect mood and health. A large number of positive ions from air conditioners, heaters, dust, dirt, electronic equipment, computers, smartphones, wireless signals, and smoke can make one feel anxious, grumpy, or tired. Showering, walking barefoot on dirt or sand, salt lamps, spiky-leaved plants like pine trees or asparagus ferns, all generate negative ions that help to refresh the environment and recharge your own energy making you feel better naturally.

Aromatherapy and essential oils is another tool to enhance the healing energy of your home. Some oils lift your spirits and give you energy, while others calm and help you sleep and relax. I particularly like to burn white sage to boost energy. The smell is not unpleasant and disperses quickly.

All of these methods can improve your home energy and well-being. Feng Shui adjustments will last for a year and need minimal annual adjustments. In my observation, cleaning the space usually takes around 3 months and needs to be redone regularly for best results. You can extend its effect by opening windows, ventilating the house, and keeping it clean on a regular basis.

So if you have a ghost, a troubled teenager, or a depressed tenant … you may need to call a space cleaner. But if you have problems like accidents, illness, financial failure, or relationship problems, it may not be a ghost, but the magnetic energy draining from the house (created by the structural shape of the house) that needs an adjustment.

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