Five Ways to Stay Motivated and Achieve Your Goals

Are you having one of those days where nothing seems to go right? Every task you try to do is more difficult than you thought and you seem to run into one problem after another along the way? We all go through stressful times in our lives where everything seems to go wrong, but it’s critical to stay positive as giving in often makes things worse. Here are five ways to stay motivated and achieve your dreams:

1. Think less and act more

Stop putting off that hard job because you’re worried it’s too much for you or you won’t be able to do it. The more you worry about something you have to do, the less you’ll want to do it, so getting going is one of the best ways to stay motivated. You may have all kinds of excuses for not doing something, but once you start, you’ll feel much more motivated to keep going.

2. Plan your time and stick to the plan

Having a big task ahead of you, or a big project to complete, can be very daunting, and without a clear vision of how much you have to get done and when you’re going to get it done, it can be easy to get sidetracked and put things off until the last minute.

If you have a big project at work, set aside two hours at the same time every day to work on that particular job. Be clear about what tasks you want to complete during those two hours. If you’re trying to get fit or lose weight, decide on two afternoons a week when you go to an exercise class or hit the gym, and stick with that.

3. Set goals and treat yourself when you reach them

One of the easiest ways to stay motivated is to set achievable goals. If you’re building your own business, saying you want to make $40k in five years is a distant goal. Divide those five years into six-month periods and decide how much you intend to earn in each six-month period, building up to five years.

When you reach your goals, you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment, and if you’re not quite there, you can assess where you could improve to ensure you’re on track over the next six months.

4. Mix things up a bit

Boredom with the same routine can make us easily demotivated, so if you feel like you need a change, do it. If you are tired of going to the gym, you better start running in the park. If you always work in your home office, try moving to the terrace for a few hours. Even small changes to your routine can be great ways to stay motivated.

5. Take time to relax and avoid burnout

Many people embark on a project or business venture and devote all their time and energy to it, only to collapse from exhaustion after six months and give it all up. One of the most important ways to stay motivated is to take time to rest and enjoy yourself. Take a step back and appreciate what you’ve accomplished, take time for a hobby, and spend a few hours with friends and family.

Maybe some days you plan to work, but you wake up feeling totally unmotivated. Don’t take a full day off as this will set a prior, but it’s okay to reduce the amount of work you do. You may decide to work alone until lunchtime and take the afternoon off, but make sure you accomplish something tangible in the morning that you can be proud of to keep you motivated.

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