Foods You May Want To Avoid If You Have External Piles

Do you suffer from external batteries? So you should know that certain foods can cause your external piles. Certain foods just don’t sit well with some people, while the same foods don’t bother other people. External hemorrhoids can sometimes be cured by eliminating certain foods and eating more of other types of foods. First, let’s examine some foods to avoid to help you eliminate your external piles.

Spicy and hot foods

Spicy and spicy foods can really make your outer piles swell. There is a saying “Hot and spicy food burns twice, the first time when you eat it and the second when you go to the bathroom the next day.” Since the external piles are located in the anus, anything that causes discomfort to the anus will also affect the external piles. So if you suffer from external hemorrhoids, you can do yourself a favor and avoid spicy food for some time.

Added sugars and junk food

No matter what creative TV commercials tell us, fast food is unhealthy. Nor will it ever be. Fast food generally contains more artificial additives than natural ingredients. Take a look at the ingredients on the menu of any fast food restaurant, which must be posted in a public place by law in most countries. Plus, the sugars added to your food will also make your outer piles swell and become known to you. In this day and age, almost all of the processed foods we eat have added sugar.


Large amounts of alcohol have a negative effect on your external piles. Alcohol has a large amount of sugar and artificial colors. Both of these causes the external batteries to burst. If you are an alcohol drinker, you should only try to drink alcohol that is as clean or pure as possible. A good example of clean alcohol is a good Scotch whiskey. It is distilled and aged naturally. No additives or sugars are added. Now don’t use this reason as an excuse to go and get drunk, all in the name of finding an external cure for hemorrhoids.

A good brandy or cognac is another beneficial alcohol to drink. It is made with the leftover skins of the grape, after removing the must in the winemaking process. These leftover skins are harvested and fermented in barrels for several years. Cognac is a very clean and very healthy alcoholic beverage. But once again, only drink quality cognac as cheap stuff could probably be compared to paint thinner. Cognac can only be called cognac if it is made in the province of Cognac, France. If it is made outside this region, it is called Brandy.

Red, rose, or white wine is also a very beneficial alcoholic beverage. Unfortunately, sulfate is added to most of the wine sold today. Sulfates can be a true external battery trigger. Try to avoid wines that are high in sulfates.

Beer, taken in small amounts, has a lot of salt and minerals, which are very beneficial for you if you sweat a lot. This helps to replenish the body of the necessary nutrients that you have sweated. Today there is non-alcoholic beer available in the market. It has the great taste of beer, all the minerals and salts your body needs but without alcohol. But be aware that some beers that claim to be alcohol-free actually contain a small amount of alcohol.

As with everything, drinking in moderation is good advice. Don’t use this tip as an excuse to get drunk now as an excuse to find a cure for external hemorrhoids! If you suffer from external piles, the next time you drink a large amount of alcohol, check how your piles are the next day when you go to the bathroom. Feel to believe!

Additives and artificial colors

Artificial colors and additives can be the cause of external piles. Since most of the food we eat today is manipulated in some way, adding food coloring to make it more palatable is normal practice. Additives are added so that the shelf life of the food is longer. But all of this adding junk to our food has had a serious detrimental effect on our overall health. Unfortunately for some, external hemorrhoids can be the result of this unhealthy diet.

So the best hemorrhoid treatment is a healthy diet and avoiding junk food. External batteries seem to be the punishment we receive for our unhealthy eating habits. Eat a hemorrhoid-free lifestyle! Finding a natural cure for external hemorrhoids is the best solution. Your body will thank you for this positive change in your diet. Then you will find that your external batteries have suddenly disappeared or don’t seem to turn on as often.

Natural cure for external hemorrhoids

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