Forget Politics!: These 5 Problems Are Your Fault!

Politics often seems to interfere with the effective functioning of our government! Instead of emphasizing and focusing on true needs, priorities, goals and perceptions, in a relevant, sustainable and common sense way, this nation is currently witnessing a level of partisanship that we have not seen before in recent memory! What happened to cooperation and effective listening to each other, instead of proceeding in an oppositional, partisan and self-centered way? Although President Donald Trump seems to avoid personal responsibility and constantly returns to blaming and complaining, it is much more important to look at the real facts. Forget politics etc and we realize and acknowledge that the following 5 issues are, at least to a considerable degree, Trump’s fault/responsibility! With that in mind, this article will attempt, briefly, to consider, examine, review, and discuss these.

1. Ramifications of his trade policy/trade war/tariffs, towards China: Contrary to its apparent approach, in the good old days, as articulated by its slogan/approach, Make America Great Again, we live in a global society, and we cannot go back to any isolationist, so-called, America. – Lawyer/position first! Although, China should be held responsible, for certain issues such as trademark and human rights violations, infringements, creating a trade war, and imposing tariffs, it has been detrimental to this nation! Soybean farmers have suffered, supply chain related issues, in many industries/businesses, are negatively affected, etc. Your efforts to blame China, apparently largely, to go back to your blame-and-blame approach, to avoid personal responsibility, has been a dangerous move, especially during this pandemic!

two. Polarization: Few remember the polarization in this nation as much as what we are currently witnessing. In an apparent appeal, for his own personal/political/agenda reasons, and/or self-interest, to those, he considers, the main supporters of his, he has created, either on purpose or inadvertently enabling the that hate! Wouldn’t we be better served, if/when, we seek, a meeting of the minds, for the greater good?

3. A greater economic gap: In recent memory, we have never seen a greater gap, from an economic standpoint, between the so-called, have and have – not! The fact is, under this president, and in part because of his so-called 2017 tax reform legislation, the wealthiest people and the largest corporations have been the biggest beneficiaries, much of it at the expense of everyone else. . of us!

Four. Ramifications of deficits: While the necessary deficits, created due to the need to address economic needs during the pandemic, are the correct course of action, the trillions of dollar deficits that occurred in previous years, during this administration, must be considered, their! responsibility! While President Trump blames and complains, to avoid personal responsibility, it is, in fact, his fault! Future generations will be unfairly burdened because of this!

5. Pandemic – related actions/behaviors: Blaming the Chinese, the Democrats, President Obama, etc., are the standard, the Trump playbook! However, from his late initial response, to his lack of proper planning and preparation, to his equating human life/public health with economics, etc., historians will likely claim that he mishandled this approach. What kind of example do you set for others when you refuse to wear a mask, despite the evidence, of how important/relevant it would be to do so? Every step along the way, an unbiased observer would be challenged to find too many things right about how this president handled this pandemic!

Wake up, America, and demand better and more normal/capable leadership and management! The nation and the world/planet cannot afford more of the same!

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