How to become a ninja PUA and roll with the punches

There is a FANTASTIC covert hypnosis tactic that is PERFECT for seduction. In fact, almost all of “game” theory stems from NLP and hypnosis. If you really want to take your game to the next level, forget about learning about “game” and just learn about hypnosis. That way, you will be able to apply it in your own unique way, instead of depending on any guru.

Anyway, what is that technical? Oh yeah.

It’s called “use”.

Which means you take what you get and use it. Most guys expect certain answers and are terrified of others. But with this technique, you can take ANY response and turn it to your advantage.

Sort of like in certain martial arts, where you take the energy of a punch or kick directed at you and transform that energy to work AGAINST your opponent.

Experts in this type of “fight” look like Jedi Ninja warriors.

He doesn’t even seem to fight. They barely move, and the other guys are flying all over the place.

What if you could do this with girls?

Wait, I don’t mean throw them around the club!

See, what most guys do is try to memorize a bunch of lines and techniques.

Sure, this works great until she throws you a curveball. But contrary to popular belief, these “curveballs” or “tests” are the best that can happen.


Because she’s genuinely and honestly attracted to you, and she subconsciously wants more.

The only way you can get more is by shaking your cage a bit.

Because when you are unmoved, her attraction to you will INCREASE, which is what she wants.

Imagine a fighter getting EXCITED when his opponent throws him (just a metaphor, go with it).

Naturally, they would come to you with everything they had, so you could throw more of them away.

If you have children, or have ever been around small children, this is EXACTLY what they do.

They charge at you at top speed, hoping you’ll playfully engage them.

Just what women do when they put you to the test. They desperately want you to “deal with them” in a playful way.

Which means if ALL you have are patterns memorized, you won’t get very far.

You would be much better off with language technology, rather than language patterns.

It would be much better with the flexibility of the language, rather than only knowing one or two moves.

Then you can walk up to any girl, anywhere, anytime, and not even worry about anything beyond that first “Hello”, because you’ll have the skills to take EVERYTHING she says and turn it into a HUGE attraction.

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