How to educate a puppy at home in 6 easy steps

Learning to house train a puppy is one of the steps in forming a lifelong bond with the newest member of the family. This is also a way of teaching him that chewing on anything or urinating anywhere is bad.

Learning to house train a puppy will be beneficial to both him and you. Your pup will grow into a well-behaved dog, and you and your family will have the benefit of maintaining hygiene and sanitation in your home.

1. Understand puppy behavior

Puppies don’t know what’s right or wrong, you’re the one who will teach them that. For example, your puppy doesn’t know that peeing on the carpet is bad, what he understands is that he needs to pee.

He is about to urinate when he starts to run in circles, take him to the place designated place where you can go about your business. Do this over and over again until you learn that this place is where you should do your business.

2. Establish a feeding schedule

Being pack animals, rules and routine are deeply ingrained in a dog’s instincts. As pups they will always look up to the pack leader for what to do and you are the pack leader.

Establishing a feeding schedule can make your home training efforts easier and more successful. Just have pups that eat on time eliminate on time.

Do not feed your puppy what he wants to eat, this is spoiling him and it is more difficult to train a spoiled puppy. Fifteen to twenty minutes after feeding your puppy, make it a habit to take him outside by always using the same door as your place.

3. Understanding a puppy’s digestion

Remember that puppies are small creatures so their digestive system is much shorter compared to ours. After 5-8 weeks you should feed your puppy 3-4 times a day and after that time he can eat twice a day but remember not to feed or drink water close to bedtime.

After a meal, give him some quiet time, don’t play with him within an hour of eating, as this can upset his stomach. Part of understanding a puppy’s digestion is knowing when he goes to the bathroom on him. This puppy removal guide should help you learn how to house train a puppy:

a) 6 weeks – removal is every hour,

b) 2 months – the puppy now has 2-3 hours of bladder control,

c) 3 months – every 4 hours,

d) 4 months and older – 5 hours,

e) young dogs: some can go all night without urinating at 3 months

4. Buy a box

A crate is an effective tool for learning to house train a puppy, a way to contain him when he leaves the house, and also makes it easier for you to take him along when you travel or when you need to take him to the vet. In addition, it is also an effective tool to teach him hygiene, since most puppies do not eliminate where they rest or sleep.

When buying a cage, make sure it is large enough for him to sleep, sit, stand, and stretch out. If the box is too big, fence off part of it, but gradually expand the space as it grows.

5. Socialization and adaptation to the environment

It’s vital that when you house train a puppy, you also involve the other members of your family, including your children, because you are his pack and he needs to socialize. However, be careful not to overdo it, as puppies are extremely sensitive to anything new: situations, smells, food, other adults, and children.

You can introduce your pup to neighbors of all ages and sizes by letting them see the pup up close. You can also introduce him to other dogs and pets in your home, of course with his supervision.

So that it gets used to the environment and that it is easy for you to take it anywhere. You can do this by taking your pup for a ride in the car, taking him to a crowded corner, having him ride the elevator, and up and down the stairs.

6. Positive reinforcement

When you house train your puppy, you should catch him in the act and stop him in a stern voice. Research voice commands you can use at home to train your little one and be consistent with them, otherwise you risk confusing your pup.

It is a vital part of learning how to house train your puppy to positively reinforce good behavior. Positive reinforcement means stopping inappropriate behavior and rewarding good behavior by giving praise, petting, or giving her favorite treats.

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