How to find the right dog food

For those with dogs, food is one of the biggest needs that must be well taken care of. Your furry friend has nutritional requirements that he must meet. Of course, he will want to find a balance between providing him with foods that he likes and foods that are good for him.

Today, you will be overwhelmed by the many dog ​​food options on the market today. To help you determine the best options and fully understand the importance of a good diet, experts have shared some tips for buying the right dog food.

A simple guide to buying dog food

feed by nature – Dogs used to be wild so they mainly eat live animals. This means that they consume raw animal meat and bones, organs, tissues, and hair. They also consume plant matter in small amounts. But today, domesticated dogs have evolved to be carnivorous, while also feeding on those fit for omnivores.

cub to adult – Cubs certainly need to feed on their mother’s milk, just like any kind of mammal. At about 8-12 weeks of age, they will begin to give up milk and start eating solid food. As your pup grows into adulthood, he’ll discover that there are different types of foods he should eat to ensure good health. It is highly recommended that you take your pet to a trusted veterinarian to obtain valuable advice on a good diet to feed it based on its state of health, age and specific conditions.

Commercial or home-prepared pet food – Most pet owners are often faced with 2 options. You can feed the dog raw or cooked meats or commercial pet food from the store. Choosing what type of food to give will depend on the specific needs of the dog.

Keep in mind that no two dogs have similar dietary needs. Therefore, it is very important that you consult your veterinarian about the proper diet to follow. You will know your pet is eating well if she has a normal energy level and appetite, fresh breath, clean teeth and ears, a shiny coat, no shedding problems, no itching, and a generally good disposition and attitude. If your dog is healthy, you will see that he is very happy.

Some foods to avoid

As much as you want your pet to eat nutritious foods that he actually enjoys eating, you must be very careful not to feed him foods that could be toxic. Some of the foods that you should not give your pet will be garlic, avocado, chocolate, raisins and grapes, coffee or any caffeinated product, citrus fruits, mushrooms, corn on the cob, green or green tomatoes, salt and seasonings, and nuts.

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