Is the world suitable for the disabled?

Society has a responsibility to improve the quality of life of disabled people. You can judge a society by the way it handles and cares for its disabled members. People with disabilities are not a burden to their families or to the society to which they belong, in fact, many of them are able to pursue their own careers and are successful in their own fields of activity. How many great men of all ages who suffered some kind of disability but reached the peak of their greatness and helped shape the life of governments and peoples? In the past, the disabled were even considered a burden to society or sinful people, who deserved segregation from society.

Now that we have reached a certain level of existence, so to speak, it is the moral responsibility of society to seek out the special (social) needs of these people. We will all go through this stage of our human existence, that is, being disabled. If you are now in good physical shape, without any physical impediments, the time will come when you will grow old and need that special attention. Due to the discoveries of new medicines and better methods of health care, a large part of the world’s population is getting older and older. You can be a part of it in the near future. Therefore, many will encounter difficulties if alleys and passages, buildings and structures and means of transport, public and private, are not adapted to an environment conducive to people with disabilities.

The disabled are not asking for special care, they just want some particular needs to be taken care of so that they can live in the most normal and convenient way possible. Some of them are still young, many of them were born with some kind of disability. They have to work or go to the office and live their life normally like anyone else.

The government of the society must be able to provide ramps in public and private buildings or structures, or a barrier-free environment where wheelchairs can pass without stairs; if there are upper floors, an elevator must be ready. People who are blind or visually impaired should also have access to Braille-enabled computers. Deaf-mutes need interpreters, or their co-workers must be able to sign language. Special children must be given proper care and education. It is your right and our responsibility.

Sad to say, only advanced countries can meet these needs, and disabled people living in poor countries have to stay at home and have to endure the many obstacles living in a hostile environment.

Governments and societies need a change of attitude. Laws do not make men. The people make these laws for the advancement of the peoples and their well-being. Why can’t they enforce those laws to the letter? It is because they really do not intend to do so. They just have to love disabled people as if they were members of their family, encourage them, motivate them and help them a little. That will be the just and humane society to which we have all been aspiring.

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