Maintenance of a freshwater aquarium: 100% foolproof method (Part I)

Many people have or want a pet fish, but unfortunately, not all fish are as hardy as the common betta and require more dedicated care. For example, you can’t just throw a freshwater fish into a bowl of unfiltered water from your sink and do nothing but feed it once a day. Here you can find out how to maintain a freshwater tank so you can keep happy and healthy fish that will live longer than a week.

1. First, find out what material you want your tank to be made of. The most popular options are glass and acrylic (plastic), and each has its individual advantages and disadvantages…for example, that glass breaks more easily, but is cheaper than acrylic, or that glass does not can be mailed, acrylic is still a better insulator than glass. It all comes down to taste in the end, so we can’t recommend one tank over another.

2. You should also consider the size of the tank you will need based on the number of fish you want to keep. You probably won’t need a tank the size of a small car for one fish, but you also can’t put two dozen fish in a miniature tank and expect them to live. Like us, fish need oxygen; the smaller the tank, the less oxygen is available to them. Our recommendation? Buy the largest tank you can afford, even for a couple of fish a large tank is essential for space and respiration. Fish tanks come in a wide variety of sizes, from a small 2-gallon tank to a huge 180-gallon tank. However, you shouldn’t need anything larger than a medium-sized tank, and these range from 20 to 40 gallons.

3. A freshwater tank will require some type of filtration system. There are plenty of filters and filtration methods available for the freshwater tank including canisters, standard power, sponge, mechanical, chemical, skimmers, ultraviolet, ozone (almost always for large commercial tanks), and under gravel (most common and favored ) filters Like the tank itself, the type of filter you buy depends on bias and possibly budget. Also, you’ll need to get some kits to test your water for ammonia and nitrate, both of which are byproducts of breathing fish, and both of which are toxic to fish (sort of like humans exhale carbon dioxide, which is toxic to us). ). And be sure to clean the filter from time to time; if it becomes clogged with fish waste or gravel, it won’t work as it should and your fish could get sick.

4. Don’t overlook a heating system: The water in which there are fish is not always the same temperature as your tap. A good temperature to keep your tank for tropical fish is mid to 70+ degrees…hotter or colder and they may not live long. Also, you will need to invest in an air pump to keep the water circulating in the tank, as no fish lives in a natural environment with completely stationary water.

5. Before placing the fish in their new home, be sure to let the tank “run” for a few hours (at least 12 hours) to allow the water to fully oxygenate and warm up. Would you like to go to a new house with no heat or running water, or one where everything is ready for your arrival?

6. How many fish do you want in your tank? A good rule of thumb (or fin) is that for every inch of fish, you should have a gallon of water, and this will depend on the size of the fish. For example, a dozen small fish will not need as much oxygen as a large one. If you put a plethora of fish in the same tank, there won’t be enough oxygen for each of them and they will start to die. As an example, four four-inch fish would be fine in a properly filtered and heated 20-gallon tank.

The steps listed above provide a general explanation of the process of setting up the tank and getting it up and running. Continue reading Freshwater Aquarium Maintenance – 100% Foolproof Method Part II to learn about fish, how to feed them, how to keep the water clean, and monitor your creatures to ensure good health.

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