Organic Search Engine Optimization vs Inorganic SEO

There are two ways to index and rank a website in a search engine: the organic way and the non-organic way. Traditionally, the former refers to search engine optimization (SEO) which does not include paying a website to place a search listing, while the latter involves paying a website to place a listing on pages containing search results. relevant.

Today, some SEO experts call anything that deviates from a “natural” methodology inorganic. For example, content from a law firm that features a keyword like “Pennsylvania injury lawyer” might be considered inorganic, because no one would naturally type this sequence of words. However, in the sense that organic campaigns build and evolve, such strategies are organic. Defining organic SEO this way, below is an overview of how it compares to its counterpart.

The benefits of organic SEO

The natural method is often described as slow, a perspective that results from the time it takes to build an effective campaign and the time required for its results. An effective campaign typically involves the following strategies and considerations:

  • website development
  • Effective keyword strategies
  • Effective HTML Strategies
  • Effective Video Strategies
  • convincing copy
  • Take advantage of social media opportunities

Compared to the inorganic method, achieving organic search rankings is a complicated process. But its benefits reflect the effort of involvement:

  • Less expensive than long-term paid listings
  • Results are more sustainable than paid listings
  • Build trust with potential customers
  • Capture important talking points through content
  • Rejuvenates a company’s overall web presence
  • Integrate optimization opportunities

Due to their attractive position on website pages, paid listings seem to get the most clicks. However, research shows that 67% of web users click on non-paid listings when they search for something, and that 77% of web users click on non-paid listings when they buy something.

The benefits of inorganic SEO

Organic and inorganic SEO are not mutually exclusive. To maximize leads online, many businesses employ both strategies. However, compared to its counterpart, the inorganic method has the following benefits:

  • Easy to implement
  • Valid when selling at intervals
  • Often produces a high page rank in a short amount of time
  • Often results in increased web traffic in a short period of time
  • Less management responsibility
  • Cost can be click based (i.e. pay per click)

The inorganic method is valued for its simplicity, but businesses that want sustained results can find themselves frustrated using just one pay-per-click (PPC) campaign to increase website conversions, a scenario that leads most to start with as well. a natural campaign


For businesses just getting started with the use of search engine optimization, the best idea is to consult with a company that offers organic and inorganic search engine optimization strategies. In some cases, both types of campaigns are used to generate the best results; while in others, it is better to use one strategy instead of the other.

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