Secret Confessions of a Direct Response Marketer

I’m going to take a chance and say something that may surprise you.

Everyone is selling a product or service. It is not surprising. But even those who aren’t in sales or marketing in any way, actually are. This is why. Everyone has to ‘sell themselves’ to make their ‘wishes / wishes’ come true.

For example, if you are unemployed, you would polish your resume and send it to potential employers. If you think you deserve a promotion because of your performance or tenure, you will have to convince your employer to see things with your eyes. The same goes for a raise in salary. If you are a child and you want a toy, you have to make a compelling case for why. Many more examples could be followed, but there is no space or time to expose.

Assuming you agree with what I am saying so far, I will move on to the main part of this ezine article. Let’s look at one particular article that has proven effective time and time again for anyone involved in direct response sales and marketing.

The Good ‘Ol Fashioned Stress Ball

Today, millions of people trapped in cubicles around the world will pick up one of these little babies and squeeze it repeatedly until the sudden onset of work-related stress that the subsidies experienced. As you can imagine, this happens repeatedly throughout the day for many people who work in high-stress environments. Without much thought, the examples (you can call them prospects if you want) include those who work at:

Customer service

• inbound and outbound call centers


• accountants

executives in any industry

• computer programmer

internet marketers

• and anyone who works on commission or sits behind a desk

What does Facebook do®What do they have in common with stress balls?

Those lucky enough to make a living from a low-stress job cannot escape the innate human response associated with squeezing a stress ball. Not so much because the act of squashing something is fun. No, I’m more interested in the psychological effects of the act itself.

Because just playing with it breaks the monotony of the workday, it can become quite NATURAL for you to reach for a soft ball to relieve stress whenever the need arises. And for those who get bored with their work quite often, this can be many times.

How many times have you found yourself playing solitaire on the computer when no one is looking or checking your Facebook?®page during business hours? Most people are guilty of succumbing to acts like these.

And this brings me to the secret weapon that the best direct response sales and marketing professionals use to their advantage: When giving away branded promotional items that ask to be “touched” or “played”, the number of impressions created from the item does not. it has a price. What you have is a silent salesperson who works on your behalf at no additional cost, and a reliable advertising medium that exceeds the cost-per-print rates of any print television or radio, magazine or newspaper ad. That is not my opinion; it is a fact.

Put your advertising on autopilot

All successful advertising has the same thing in common: Consistency ultimately leads to compliance. Remember the last time you went to a sports bar to watch the game and were covered by a healthy mix of Budweiser commercials, Budweiser bucket specials, Budweiser coasters, Budweiser banners … you got the point. By the time the waitress arrived, you were ordering a bucket of Buds even though you drink imported beer.

The same goes for stress relief balls, or any other promotional product that provides some kind of utility to the recipient. Your message, logo, name, contact information, whatever it is, is subliminally implanted in their subconscious each and every day they see or use it so that the next time they need what you are selling, they will know exactly what it is. who to call. That pizzeria number promo magnet works the same way, as does that wall calendar with your realtor’s mug.

It’s almost as if stress relief balls and other highly effective promotional products put your advertising on autopilot so you can spend more time doing other things.

P.S.You are now aware of something that the average salesperson or marketer in your field overlooks. Now is the time to help your clients relieve their stress, and meet their quota, by harnessing this marketing weapon to their advantage. And who knows … you might get that elusive raise just for telling your boss about another one of your brilliant ideas.

PPSJust print this page. It will show that you really did some research. But be sure to cut out the PS wording or you can kiss goodbye.

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