The gold mission and the alien San Miguel

According to Sumerian records, Nergal was the administrator of the underground mines in southern Africa, from which the concept of Hell in Christianity derives. He was known as Hades in Greek mythology, the god of the underworld and the god of the dead. Most of the gods of the ‘House of Enlil’, who founded the Brotherhood of Gold, lived in Sumer, also known as ‘Ki-Engi’, which probably means ‘the lands of the Lords on Earth’.

Nergal was the only one of the ‘House of Enki’ (son of Enki) who became a member of the brotherhood after marrying Enlil’s granddaughter, Ereskigal. His dwelling in southern Africa was surrounded by seven walls, which shows the great importance of the place. Enki was called ‘Ptah’, the developer, in Egypt after Enlil’s confusion of tongues. The ‘House of Ptah’, ‘Ha-ka-Ptah’ named the Greek ‘Egypt’ whence derives ‘Egypt’. ‘Sumer’ is not, by the way, ‘Sumerian’ but rather Akkadian, referring to the lands of the Enlilites (‘Ki-Engi’).

While all the gods used human slaves as servants, the Brotherhood of Gold also used them as gold miners. They used to select young men and women and deliver them to Nergal, the great ‘consumer’ of slaves. One of them was Nannar, the governor of Ki-Engi (Sumer). Nannar is also known as Sin, the moon god. His symbol was the crescent moon later adopted as the symbol of Islam. His reputation as a ‘provider of slaves’ managed to survive and find its way into Christianity. He is supposed to be the archangel Michael who collects the souls of the dead and hands them over to other administrators for ‘judgment’.

Although it is a well-known fact that Christianity involves many mythological and pagan traditions, Michael’s duties in Christian culture have their origin in real events. The liberator of the miners (by boat like Charon or not) became the liberator of souls. Expressions like ‘you have to go when the archangel Michael calls’, or ‘when Saint Michael comes for the soul’ are not uncommon among Christians. The selected humans were taken to work in the mines for the rest of their lives and considered dead. Thousands of years after Nannar sent the first slaves to search for gold in the underworld, Christians still believe that he is the one (under his new identity as Michael, meaning “he who is like god”) who will come and rescue their slaves. souls of the enemy! It is believed that only the dead can see Michael’s face, and thus he is often depicted without a face in many Christian churches.

The faceless ‘Saint’ selected countless young men and women and delivered them to a place of no return. Other archangels killed people and destroyed cities, created plagues that destroyed all living things, or fired their projectiles at innocent people. We find no significant difference between the evil Hades and the ‘good’ angels! The great slave trader, Sin, has been declared a ‘Saint’ by the fathers of the Church, which we think is unwise to say the least. His new epithet and his new name cannot ease the burden of his evil deeds against humans. Saint Michael and other angels are closely related to Yahweh’s Golden Mission! Until now, the results of the Golden Mission have been tremendously profitable for the gods but totally disastrous for humanity.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Saint Michael is supposed to “fight Satan”. If we consider that the word ‘Satan’ is a corruption of the Arabic word ‘Shejtan’ which means ‘adversary’, ‘antagonist’, then Saint Michael is fighting his adversary and that of Enlil / Yahweh, that is, another god . He is also considered the patron of the church and, during the Middle Ages, the patron of the knightly orders! In the Greek liturgy he is regarded as ‘Archistrategos’, which means ‘Chief of the Army’. The Catholic Encyclopedia says:

‘It would have been natural for Saint Michael, the champion of the Jewish people, to be the champion also of the Christians, giving victory in war [emphasis added] to his clients’. Also from the Catholic Encyclopedia we read that Nannar/Michael also influenced Emperor Constantine. In another article we stated that Yahweh and his angels appointed Constantine as his agent to ensure the future of the new religion. From the Catholic Encyclopedia: ‘A Constantinople likewise, Saint Michael was the great heavenly physician. His chief shrine, the Michaelion, was at Sosthenion, some fifty miles south of Constantinople; there it is said that the archangel appeared to the emperor Constantine». Constantine, like all the other early church fathers, claimed that he acted in accordance with the will of God. He would have been more appropriate if he had said that he acted in accordance with the will of the gods!

Joshua 5:13-15: ‘And it came to pass, when Joshua was near Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, there was a man standing before him with a drawn sword in his hand; and Joshua approached him and said to him: he: Are you for us, or for our adversaries? And he said: No; ace of goal captain of the army of Jehovah [emphasis added] now i come And Joshua fell on his face to the ground, and worshiped, and said to him: What says my Lord to his servant? And the captain of the army of Jehovah said to Joshua: Remove the shoes from your foot; because the place where you are is holy. And Joshua did so. Note that Joshua assumes the man was one of his own or perhaps one of his enemies. But no, he was the commander of the army immediately accepted by Joshua! The fact that Joshua assumed that the angel could be one of the enemies, Anakim was one of the enemies, testifies that the Anakim were not giants as the Bible claims, but perfectly ordinary looking people. Although he informs Josue that the place is now ‘holy’, he doesn’t explain why, and Josue takes off his shoes! The captain of God’s army (Israel means ‘Soldiers of God’) is probably the archangel Michael, the architect behind the Christian religion. Saint Michael is a kind of unicum in Christianity. He is the only alien (all angels were aliens, members of Enlil/Yahweh/God’s Golden Mission) to have been declared a saint by the Christian Church. The representation of him by icons of him in the Christian Church (with or without a face) is a contradiction to the ‘make no image’ doctrine.

No other god or human has been honored with so many epithets. The otherwise mythological moon god suddenly appeared as the patron of the Church and knights, the savior of souls, the Chief of the army of both Jews and Christians. While all known saints have either died natural deaths or been assassinated, there is no record of Saint Michael’s death and this is well in accordance with the absence of such information about Nannar, the father of Inanna/Aphrodite, the goddess of war. In the same way the Enlilites conducted the Golden Mission as a family business; the establishment of Christianity was a family project for the sake of the Golden Mission.


The Golden Mission, So Far Not Good, by Andreas A. Paris Outskirts Press Inc., 2007

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