Top 5 Reasons Your Algae Eaters Are Dying

Many people have a common misconception that they don’t have to provide any food for their team of algae eaters. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth and results in many fish kills along the way. Here are some tips that can help you keep your next pleco alive.

1. Offer them a varied diet of fresh greens and vegetables.

There are many different types of algae that grow in the aquarium, and not all plecos will eat all types. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find an algae-eating fish that shows an interest in algae species outside of its specialty. For this reason, it is important to supplement their diet with various greens and vegetables to prevent them from starving. This also applies to snails, otocinclus, and any other algae-eating creatures you have in your tank.

2. Do not keep several fish-eating algae together.

Be sure not to overdo it with fish and invertebrates that specialize in eating algae. If it does, there will be too much competition for a food source that it just won’t be able to sustain them all. Common plecos are also known for becoming territorial with their own kind as they mature, so you may eventually end up having trouble keeping more than one in your fish tank.

3. Get rid of the salt in the aquarium.

Many species of plecostomus are very sensitive to salt, so if you add aquarium salt to your tank, you will have to decide between the pleco or the salt! The best thing you can do is research the species you’ve purchased so you can learn about its ideal environment.

4. Only buy babies who have a well-rounded stomach.

This is a very important tip that is often overlooked. Don’t be afraid to ask for a specific pleco at the pet store – they may be fast but they’re not impossible to catch! You don’t want to bring home a baby with a very sunken stomach because this is a very good indication that she is not a healthy fish.

5. Research your chosen species before you buy it.

Taking the time to learn about your fish is a big part of keeping them alive. Many species of pleco and other algae-eating fish have very specific care requirements that you will need to adhere to. For example, some plecos rely heavily on a diet containing driftwood, and some so-called algae eaters are not herbivores at all! Rather, they prefer a very meaty diet which usually results in them taking chunks out of their other peaceful fish in the community.

It is very important to remember that your pleco (or other fish/snail eating algae) is not going to do all the work for you. If you are having difficulty controlling excessive algae growth in your fish tank setup, you will need to find out what the root cause is.

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