Training your Puggle for perfection

One of the most important questions associated with training a Puggle is whether it is difficult, as it is a hybrid and not a purebred dog. Many ask whether they should use methods of training a Pug, methods of training a Beagle, or a bit of both. Each purebred dog is bred for a very specific temperament. Therefore, the way an individual trains a Beagle to develop its favorable traits and characteristics would differ greatly from the techniques used to train a Pug to bring out its favorable traits and characteristics. The same can happen when it comes to Puggles.

Because a Puggle is a hybrid of two pure canines, the Pug and the Beagle, there are characteristics of both breeds of dogs that the Puggle possesses. It is beneficial to research the general temperament of both the Pug and the Beagle to discover the various behavior issues that you as a Puggle owner should be aware of. This can include how stubborn both breeds are and how quickly they can adapt to verbal commands and cues. Being armed with this vital information will definitely help you train your Puggle to perfection!

Many find that most puggles are very easy to train and have a very good temperament with their owners and other animals. However, a Puggle’s overall ability to learn effectively from his training is highly dependent on how you, as the owner, train him. When you receive instructions on how to effectively train your Puggle, there are some outside influences that can cause you to add some additional levels of difficulty. These factors can include taking the Puggle puppy away from its mother too early, defects and health problems due to inbreeding, lack of proper socialization with other animals and humans, lack of proper exercise, and not correcting any misbehavior as soon as they arise.

Aside from the above mentioned items and having a comprehensive knowledge about the dog’s temperament, there are no major differences between training your Puggle and training a purebred. The main thing to remember with training is to be consistent with training and be patient with the Puggle puppy. Do all training techniques repetitively and always have positive reinforcements, such as treats, available when they correctly obey a command. Training your Puggle should be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone involved, including your puppy!

It is always beneficial to speak with a Puggle breeder about this hybrid dog’s history, common characteristics, and what to look for with the Puggle when it comes to specific traits. Always know the rules that must be enforced and the commands you want to teach the Puggle. Make sure everyone in the household knows the commands and their associated verbal signals and hand gestures to ensure consistent training. Nothing confuses a Puggle, or any dog, more than inconsistent commands during training. Remember, the overall success of Puggle training will depend on you as the trainer.

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