What foods promote estrogen production in men and why?

There are quite a few foods that promote estrogen production in men. Estrogen production in men can lead to man boobs which can have different consequences. Many men are not comfortable with the idea of ​​manboobs. As such, it is important that you are aware of the foods that can cause man boobs through their estrogen concentration. We’ll see.


These are present in many foods. Soy is one of them. There are quite a few fruits that contain great sources of phytoestrogens. These include the grape and the flax seed. Grape food that can increase estrogen production due to the large amount of naringenin present in it (this is also present in other citrus fruits).

Flaxseed may promote estrogen production in men because it contains phytoestrogens like soy. But there are many products that have low amounts of phytoestrogens even though they contain soy. Soy protein powder is an exception on this list.

The job of phytoestrogens is to bind certain tissues together. They can also compete with estrogen at times. But this does not hinder the estrogenic effect. Rather, this could increase estrogenic effects. In women, for example, this can lead to hot flashes during menopause. In men, it could lead to manboobs.

However, this competition with estrogen can also reduce estrogenic effects compared to “estradiol”. A higher amount of estrogen in men is also a sign that their testosterone production is declining, as estrogen provides negative feedback to the HPTA regarding testosterone production.

Basically, phytoestrogens are the sources of estrogen that we find in our diet through animal and plant sources. Phytoestrogens fall into two main categories: isoflavones and lignans. There is a third category which is known as coumestans.

Foods rich in phytoestrogens

Dairy products such as butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, and milk contain natural estrogens. Vegetables are also high in estrogen. Except for soybeans, peas also help promote estrogen production in men. These are also high in protein, fiber, and B vitamins. Beans are also another example of vegetables that can promote estrogen production in men.

Then there is a whole group of seeds that aid in estrogen production like sunflower, sesame and anise seeds. They are very rich in estrogen. Various fruits such as cherries, dates, plums, tomatoes, and apples also contain high doses of estrogen.

There are quite a few vegetables that offer the same services as fruits except that they are not sweet like them. High estrogen vegetables include yams, potatoes, carrots, bell peppers, beets, and celery. Rice, barley, wheat and oats are some cereals that promote estrogen production in men. Eggs are also known to have high amounts of estrogen. Now, I’m not saying eliminate these foods because many of these foods also have fat-burning properties (and taste pretty good) like apples, but these are the foods that contain or promote estrogen, so don’t go crazy with any of them. . from them. So if you have a fetish for any of the above, just give it a try for a bit. Balance is always the key.


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