Why do married women cheat? 5 deadly signs of infidelity

Cheating will always be seen as vile and deadly – it’s the most unforgivable mistake you can make in a relationship. But then again, why do married women cheat? Why do they still take the path of infidelity when they are already with the man they love? Of course, there are always reasons behind everything. It is more than just a temptation or the urge to have an affair with another; sometimes the reasons are deeper and much bigger than that. Find out the top reasons married women cheat on their husbands and find out how to save your relationship—soon!

  • Insecurity in your relationship. Most married women who cheat may be disappointed or frustrated with the way their relationship with their husbands is going. Marriage does not guarantee happiness and most of the time this is when women begin to feel more vulnerable to insecurity and frustration—sometimes their plans never come to pass and often they are disappointed when issues and problems arise—it is because of that they seek to be comforted by someone else.
  • Boredom and routine. They may feel like they are going nowhere in their married life (yes, even women with children) and may feel too helpless doing the same routine over and over again. Eventually they would have to seek new adventures, new hobbies, and meet new people; therefore, it can result in infidelity.
  • Too much stress and pressure. There will come a time when their husbands will try to expect too much of them or force them to do things they do not want — the stress and pressure can be too much and they will begin to distance themselves and seek comfort elsewhere. When a woman is asked for something that is beyond what she can give, she will begin to meet it in any way possible, even through deceit.
  • Lack of sexual satisfaction. It is true that many married women can begin to feel unloved in the marriage, and that would result in a lack of sexual desire and even a lack of sexual satisfaction. Sometimes their husbands can always be too tired from work, taking care of bills and children, so they can forget to have some physical intimacy with their wives; they will surely seek it from someone else.
  • Looking for new emotions in life. Boredom can make us do bad things. Too much familiarity can be dangerous and some married women (who are usually aggressive and active during their younger years) tend to regress and find new thrills and thrills in their lives, leading them to cheat. As a husband, you better know how to keep the romance alive, to keep your marriage and your wife in love with you all the time.

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