Color matching cabinet – a detailed study

The name “color matching cabinet” is familiar to many people who work in the textile and plastics industry. As the name suggests, it offers a standardized visual assessment of color. It is used for color fastness determination in textile and other industries. The color fastness is determined by an electronic crockmeter machine, which is an […]

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Epic Traffic Systems: Using Social Media Traffic

Everyone knows how important social media has become for marketers. You can’t read a newspaper these days or check the latest Digg stories without seeing someone heralding the overthrow of the entire Internet on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Well, there is some truth to what the experts say. Social has captured the hearts and minds […]

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A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deeply or don’t taste the Pierian spring

Alexander Pope, best known for popularizing the heroic couplet, caught my eye in an English literature class at Michigan State University in the mid-1960s. I was more interested in reading Pope at the time than learning about Pope because he clearly knew how to do what I call “turning a word.” That is, write a […]

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Inflation and the Rising Tide: Protect Your Assets from the Storm

There is an old expression: A rising tide lifts all boats. A rising tide can also sink them. And as signs of improvement in the economy appear on the horizon, there is a real possibility that inflation will come with the tide. Why worry about inflation? Well, inflation is an investor’s worst nightmare. For retirees […]

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Dealing with a relationship breakup – 3 things you need to know

Whether you’re the person who ended the relationship or the person you broke up with, ending a relationship is never easy. Both parties have to deal with different emotions. If you’re dealing with a relationship breakup, it can be hard for you, but there are three crucial things you need to do if you ever […]

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