Be careful when using conversational hypnosis to seduce women

The idea of ​​walking up to a beautiful woman and telling mesmerizing stories for about twenty minutes, ending with her desperate to have sex with you, is a fantasy most men have. The good news is that this is more possible than most people think.

Because? Because humans are sexual creatures. Guys want sex with the right girls and girls want sex with the right guys. These are the most basic desires of human beings. Without them, we would have been extinct several years ago.

With girls, it’s pretty easy. Show up naked, as the old joke goes. But what about the boys? Self-confidence, communication skills, and the ability to move her through various emotions. That is why conversational hypnosis is so powerful. Because simply by telling stories in a certain way, that sound normal and natural on the surface, but incredibly sexually charged and emotionally powerful on the bottom, you can dramatically create some powerful desires.

But should you do this with all the hot girls pushing your buttons? Absolutely not. Because? Because this can have disastrous consequences. First of all, when you create these emotions in a woman, they are not going to go away. Nor are they going to be temporary, or “fake”.

Because women associate sex with emotions much more than men, many men don’t take this into account. This means that while you can use these patterns to create quick and easy sex, you will create incredible feelings of emotional attachment in the women you sleep with.

Now, you may be thinking, “Wow! That’s great! That’s just what I want!”

But what happens when that girl who is suddenly head over heels in love with you is totally incompatible with you? What if you’re a die-hard Tea Party activist and she’s a born-again liberal (or vice versa)?

What if she is an atheist and you are an active member of her church? What if she’s a die-hard vegan and you spend your summers hunting moose?

While these patterns are incredibly powerful, you should use them sparingly. Meet her first. Use traditional dating techniques. Go on some dates with her, find out what she’s like. Find out if you are compatible.

Then only after you find out that the two of you might have a chance then you can use these patterns. You will find that if you wait a bit, they will have MUCH more power, as they will be used in a context of amazing rapport.

And this can lead to incredible sexual adventures and self-discovery.

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