Hero’s Journey: the best way to start a writing career

The expression “hero’s journey” designates a narrative structure derived from Joseph Campbell’s theory of the mono-myth. The theme of the hero myth occurs in all cultures, at all times. According to Campbell, the many steps of the hero’s journey could be summarized in twelve stages. This is the way of life. It is a story […]

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Building better brands

Creating love-love relationships with startups for corporations Are you effectively communicating your product or service offering? Are you appealing to the correct demographic? Are you missing opportunities to catapult your brand? If you answered Yes, or even Maybe, to any of these questions, then it’s time to commit to improving your company’s branding and marketing. […]

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Types of wall signs that can boost business in restaurants and bars

Pubs and restaurants in recent years have become popular with people who want to enjoy Friday night. These are also places where they can enjoy social interactions. Apart from the usual things they serve, another thing that makes people stay is the atmosphere of the establishment. In the US alone, there are many businesses opening, […]

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The Toyota Scion: Gaining Market Share From Untapped Generation Y

With its launch in 2004, Toyota launched the Scion line in hopes of catching the attention of the generation. Y. This generation market is made up of more than 75 million people who do not really have a association with a vehicle brand. In five to ten years, this generation will constitute a significant part […]

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Technical documents B2B Vs Technical documents B2C

Is there a difference between B2B white papers written by businesses for businesses and B2C white papers written by businesses directly for consumers? Most of the articles are written for the B2B market and very few are written for the B2C market. There is an idea that business executives and decision makers are the only […]

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