Parent-child relationship: the time to “stop” and “listen”

“Raising children IS the hardest job in the world!” a statement every new parent hears. Your response would be a simple nod or a laugh, but you’ll have no idea until your baby DOES come out. I bet you were thinking, “No, it doesn’t sound so bad.” Once your child is born, it means the […]

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Stop the world of basketball shots! I want to get off! (Part 1 of 2)

To the World of Basketball: Please, let’s examine the generally accepted instructions for shooting a basketball. There are at least six common instructions used by most trainers, and I’ll cover them in two articles. Three of the rules are that (1) you must “SHIELD” to shoot, (2) you must have your “ELBOW DIRECTLY UNDER THE […]

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How to use songs to teach French

ESL teachers can use songs to teach English to their students with great success. ESL songs can bring energy to the classroom, boost students’ confidence, and provide a much-needed active learning experience for younger students who can easily become bored or distracted. They are great for adding motivation and excitement to your classroom routine! Integrating […]

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New Book Offers Healing Tools For Those Suffering From Fear, Anxiety And Depression

Few books have grabbed my attention from the first page like Michael O’Brien’s Fearing Nothing. Michael begins this book by sharing his personal story of how he had won bodybuilding contests and was attending another when he had his first panic attack that caused him to run out of the auditorium. wow! I thought. Do […]

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Basic Craft Techniques: How to Decoupage Like a Pro

Decoupage is an easy, creative and satisfying craft medium. With minimal materials, you can decorate almost any surface or object easily and with professional results. Simply defined, decoupage is the art of cutting designs out of paper or other flat material, then applying a decorative pattern to a surface and covering with lacquer or glue. […]

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How to get rid of springtails (also known as snow fleas, springtails, and ectoparasites)

If you’ve never heard of Collembola, you’re not alone. Until a few years ago, these soil creatures were thought to be essentially harmless. Even doctors vehemently denied that springtails could infest human hair and skin. People who suffered from chronic itching, biting, and tingling sensations were often considered delusional, but that mindset is slowly changing. […]

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Pregnant for the holidays: toast or not toast?

You are already well dressed and ready to leave for the annual party in your office, at your neighbor’s house or perhaps with your family. The holidays are so special, festive and romantic, but this year there is a greater sense of excitement because… you are pregnant. With the festivities fast approaching, the age-old question […]

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